Chapter 18

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3rd person's POV

Jiyeom walked on the way on her car with joy because her mission that she planned for 2 weeks just accomplished today. It feels good that everything went well according to her plan and it will become better later.

She got inside of her car with a smile plastered on her face. She looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection. She's too happy because finally everything is going to the way she wanted it to be.

It's 4:48, in just 12 minutes Jongin will arrive and This is the day that she's been waiting for, the day that Kim Jongin will be begging for her help, for her presence. How will that happen? Later you'll see.

In a few minutes, a black van arrived, the door of the vehicle opened, and an angel appeared. He's wearing a white polo and a black jeans and Jiyeom swear to heaven and hell, he looks so good on those. She can't believe that he will be her's soon.

He went down and fix his white polo while walking to the elevator. She waited and waited until the lights of his room are opened because that's her cue to do something.

She saw the elevator going to the designated floor. She turned her ipad and the cameras inside Jongin's condo is actually connected to it so she can see what Jongin is currently doing right now.

Before going straight inside of his room, Jongin took his phone and use it as a mirror. He checked if his hair was okay but to be honest it looks great even though he doesn't fix it.

He opened the door and darkness and silence waved at him. His eyebrows creased when he saw that the lights are still off. He slowly walked inside, sensing that something is wrong because he's expecting a girl he's been waiting for will appeared but instead no one appeared.

He slowly closed the door once he's inside of his room, he's not opening the lights and trying to call someone which is of course Sunmi.

Finally he opened the lights and saw a figure lying down on his room's floor.

His eyes widened and took a single step backward.

"S-sunmi?" He walked towards the body on the floor, slowly, still processing what's happening, why is she on the floor..

Then he finally saw the blood, scattered neatly on the floor. Jongin fell and sweats began to appear on his body, his face.

"W-what's happening- Sunmi.. police- I need to call the police--" a thought came out on Jongin's brain, that if he call the police, the first suspect will be him since the dead body is found at his condo. Next thing that popped out on his mind is Sunmi isn't just someone. This will be a big news and from what sunmi's wearing before she died, it will all come out that Jongin raped her and killed her.

He panicked, don't know what to do anymore, he sat on the corner and tears began to fall on his eyes. He grabbed some of his hair and cried even louder. A lot of thoughts run through his head like, why is this happening to him? Who killed Sunmi? Why would he/she killed her? Why is everything becoming so complicated? He can't do anything but just cry on the corner and stare at the dead body. In short, if he called the police, he will be done. His image will be done. His career will be over and not just his, but his members and fans too.

He can't call anyone, he can't think of anyone to call rightnow. Kyungsoo? Chanyeol? Junmyeom? He doesn't know what will their reaction be.

And this is the cue for Jiyeom to continue her plan.

Jiyeom: Where are you? We need to have a meeting..

Jongin received the text. But ignored it.

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