Chapter 6

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Short Chapter Ahead

Park Jiyeom's POV

"Prove it" kai said.

He's really testing me huh.

Kai must know that once i like a particular thing, I'll make sure that it will be mine and I'll do everything just to make that thing mine.

I smirked. I was about to grab another glass of liquor but i felt his hands slowly snaked around my nape.

I looked at him once again. He's leaning and I'm getting ready to taste his luscious lips.

I crawled my hands around his face, tracing his jawline and cupped his cheeks.

His other hand is now on my waist, tracing my body. His soft touch makes me weak and that feeling is strangely satisfying.

Kiss me, kiss me and be mine Kim fucking Jong In.

"Okay, now let's quit playing off and talk about when are we going to have our practice with Jiyeom."

We both heard suho coming to our direction. We opened our eyes.

"Damn it!"

I chuckled when i heard him mumbled that. He really want to know what i tasted huh.

Soon sweetheart, just be patient. You'll be mine and I'll be yours in no time.

I removed my arms around his face and sit properly, still beside him.

His arms went back to its previous position. Wrapping his arms around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

The others gathered on the table once again to talk about our practice.

I took another glass of a liquor, making me move a little away from Kai.

Chanyeol sat on Kai's left and looked at me.

"That was faster than I thought Yeomie." My cousin said and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and continued pouring the liquor to my shot glass.

When the shot glass was full, i took it and offer kai but he declined it.

So i drink it straight and put the glass down once again.

"Aren't you feeling dizzy already? That liquor is really strong for a girl you know." I heard kai said.

I looked at him and chuckled instead of replying.

He's still staring at me after that. His stares are so intense but it's not making me uncomfortable. I can feel his eyes are roaming around my face, examining it. I just let him do that since i also did that to him earlier.

"I'm really excited to work with you Jiyeom." Kyungsoo said to me.

"Nado, so when are we---"

Before i could even finished my sentence, the door that i came in earlier opened.

Two men wearing a black suit entered a room while talking to each other and laughing a bit.

They close the door again and walked towards our table.

My eyes widened when i recognize one of the persons who entered the VIP room.


I totally forgot about him.

"Sorry we're late~~" the eldest, Kim Min Seok said.

"Yeah sorry we're la--" he didn't finished his sentence when our eyes met. He stopped from fixing his black suit and stared at me intensely.

His eyebrows knitted as soon as our eyes met. He's fixing his suit earlier but stopped when he saw me. Sitting on his group's table, beside Kim Jong in.

He walked closer and closer until he's now in front of our table.

The other members are now confused because of his actions but he and I ignored their reactions.

For a second, my heart beat stopped because of the nervousness.

He lowered his head a little and he stared deeply in to my eyes. I can tell that he's checking if I'am really here or it was just his imagination.

"Jiyeom?" He asked. Still looking at me, at my eyes.

His innocent eyes, those eyes hypnotize people, making them thought that he is innocent.

He's almost like Kim Jong In. Perfect face, talented as hell, dancing king, addictive looks. Damn.

The only different between him and Jongin is, he looks like an innocent sheep and kai is like an untamed wild tiger.

I'm So stupid. Gosh why didn't his existence crossed on my mind. Why did i forgot that he's also an EXO member?!

I stood up and bowed slightly.

Nervousness is visible to my face right now.

The person that i least want to encounter is now in front of me.

"You already knew her??" Jong In asked.

He smiled teasingly. I bet he already knew that me and Jongin had some stuffs going on right now.

"Yes." He bowed and added, "annyeong Park Jiyeom, it's nice to see you again."

I tried my best not to look uncomfortable because i know the others are watching.

I tried to not look away from his intense gaze. I gulped as soon as i heard him saying my whole name.

This guy in front of me is my first. He's the one who took my V card from me. And i don't know why am I so uncomfortable with him.

I mean i already had sex with countless idols, why am I being nervous right now??

I didn't really fucking thought about him when i got here, i totally forgot that he's one of the main dancer in EXO.

I hate this feeling. Being surprised. I hate being so unprepared.

I'm usually that kind of person who would think of what will happen before i do or decided some stuffs. What the actual fuck just happened to me?

I took all the pride that was inside my body and spoke up,

"I-it's nice to meet you too, Zhang Yixing-ssi."

I saw his lips form a smirk and that made me annoyed for some reason.

I know he already knew that i'am not feeling really comfy whenever he's around, this whole producer slash choreographer thingy will be fun for him.

But i'll make sure that he won't ruin this perfect opportunity.

Now that i think i found my 'the one'.... well i did not literally found him, i basically picked the Kim Jong In to be my 'the one' and i won't let ruin everything.

Lay or Yixing isn't innocent, I tell you.

He's an angel in disguise, a nightmare dressed like a day dream, a cute cab who growls like a big lion

He can fool anyone by just using his oh so perfect visual but not me.

Just by looking at his eyes, i already know that he wants to fucked up everything.

If he wants to play with me,

Oh fuck yeah I'll give him a Read deal Game.

[End of chapter 6]

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