Chapter 21

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Jiyeom's POV

["Hello baby, where are you? We're already here at the arena, we're just waiting for you to start the rehearsal."]

"Yes baby I'm on my way."

["Okay, see you in a bit. I love you."]

"Love you too Jongin."

["Hurry up, I miss you already baby.."]

"Silly boy, we've only been separated for only like, six hours and you miss me already?"

["So what? Hurry up woman because I need your hugs.."]

["And your kisses.."]

["And I'm lonely here"]

["And I fucking miss you so hurry. Bye."]

Before I could even reply to Jongin, the call ended. I looked at my phone, smiling and shook my head because of my boyfriend's silliness.

"Hey Soonyoung I'll go ahead, they're waiting for me, here's your pad. Thanks again."

"Anything for you sweetheart. Bye, visit to my club when you have time." Soonyoung said and we wave at each other, saying our good byes.

It's been three weeks since the other members found out that me and Jongin are dating. It was a pretty intense moment for us since Jongin didn't want anyone to know about it and I don't Chanyeol to know about it.

But we handle everything pretty well and after that scene, everything in our relationship had been better this past few weeks.

Jongin is treating me like a girlfriend already, he's sweet, clingy, adorable, a bit possessive. Though I'm not really sure if he really had fallen for me or he's just faking it..

About his girl 'best friend', after three weeks ago he didn't contact that bitch ever again because Jongin said if I'm not comfortable at him being best friends with a girl, he'll cut all of their (jongin and the girl) connections which he already did.

I was happy because he chose me over that cunt. Everything is going well and I love it.

I came at their concert venue and quickly went at the back to enter. I showed my ID to the guards, that proved that I'm their producer slash choreographer.

I arrived at the back stage where they will be changing later and saw no one is in here. I forgot they're already in the arena, waiting for me so I went there and opened the red curtain that serves as the wall or barrier of the back stage and the exact stage.

"I'm here!!" I shouted as I ran towards Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Yixing who's talking with a smile on their faces.

They look behind them and saw me. "Yeomie-ah!" Chanyeol shouted and opened his arms, aiming for a hug.

I felt my body being wrapped around Chanyeol's giant arms.

"Can I get a hug too?" Baekhyun suddenly said. I chuckled.

"No, my warm hugs are only for Jiyeom-"

"Not from you smartass, from Jiyeom. I want a hug from my Jiyeomie~" Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol away from me, and hugged me and I hugged back too.

The thing about EXO is they love me all. They are all sweet and clingy towards me and they get jealous when I talked about other groups. They are all like my boyfriend, but not. Well, let's just say it's like we're siblings but sweeter than the usual siblings.

Kyungsoo hit Baekhyun's shoulders playfully, making him turn his head to his right. "Look at Jongin, he's glaring at you." Kyungsoo chuckled and looked at Jongin.

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