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"Klaus please!" I pleaded. Kol had been locked up for almost Two hundred years and I needed him, I am tired of waiting. 

"Octavia, how many times does it have to be said. No. Mikael is still out there and if he finds Kol, He will kill you. And I am not willing to let my Sister-in-law die. You are still part of Kol's sire line. Same goes for Vercelisa and Alexandrine. They are part of Finn and Elijah's sire lines." Niklaus explained.

 I groaned in annoyance, How can he be so paranoid. "Yes Mikael is out there but I know for a fact that he is locked up somewhere as I helped Abby Bennet put him down, Klaus please I beg you." He just sat down and continued to drink his bourbon.

 I growled. "Fine. If you won't do it I'll do it myself." I said and vamp-sped to Kol's coffin where I opened it. But before I could take the dagger out, Klaus had me by the throat, pushing me so my back hit the wall. Then he snapped my neck.

{Third Person POV}

Just then, both Lisa and Alex ran into the room "Klaus!" Lisa shouted as Alex checked if Octavia was ok. "Stay out of this, this is none of your business." Klaus all but screamed at the two Wives.  

"But it is Klaus. Why are you denying Tavia her beloved? I would most certainly do the same if it were Elijah. I have done it for Elijah!" She screamed. "Yes, and I would do it for Finn," Alex said, glancing at her husband's coffin where Finn was laying, daggered and desiccated, then back to Klaus. 

Suddenly Elijah walked into the room, where Octavia was lying unconscious, with a snapped neck and both Alex and Lisa were glaring at Klaus. Elijah immediately walked up to Lisa, before saying, "What is going on? Why is Octavia on the floor with a snapped neck?"

Vercelisa glared daggers at Klaus. "Klaus here is denying Octavia Kol. I cannot see why though, and he also has dear Finn in a box!" She all but screamed. "And with good reason, Octavia and Kol together are like The Joker and Harley Quinn! Kol is insane and Octavia doesn't care, She just follows. She finds it fun. Kol is out of control and she is too when she's around him." Klaus yelled. Elijah turned to his younger brother. "Why brot-" Elijah was soon cut off by Octavia who had just woken up. "What happened?" She asked.

{Octavia's POV}

I woke up, I was laying on the ground. That was the last straw. I stood up. "I can't do this! I love Kol and you have taken him away from me. When your ready to undagger him call me until then I'm gone." I said as I left the room, going into Kol and I's room. Packing my things. I did the thing I dreaded doing since Kol was Daggered. Leaving.

After I packed my things I walked into the living room. Lisa and Alex were both reading their books when I said "I'm leaving, I just wanted to say goodbye. Until Kol is undaggered I can't be in this hell hole." Both Lisa and Alex walked over to me, I hugged them both tightly. "Call us every day. And we won't tell Klaus where you are but don't tell us either so we don't have to keep it from anyone." Lisa said. I nodded. Alex grinned, "Now you get to do what you've always wanted. To get away from here and explore the world." I grinned back. They helped me load my things into my black Porsche before I said my last goodbyes and left.

I felt a massive weight lift off my shoulders as I crossed the town's border. I'm glad to be gone. But at the same time, I'm sad that it's not with Kol. I glanced down at the rings on my finger. I just want to see Kol again.
I didn't know where I was going. But deciding to just drive and see where I take me sounds like a good idea. I sighed. I am still basically an Original, But it felt good to be free.
Four years Later
I think my life had gotten better. I live in Phoenix, I haven't heard from Klaus in over four years so I'm happy, But I want Kol back. Every day, get longer when I'm away from him. Lisa and Alex both say is the Mate bond pulling me to him but he can't reach out to me.

I have met some people, my best friend who is now like a sister to me, Bella. She is moving away today though. I think I will join her wherever she is going. She is only Seventeen though so she hasn't left school. I had told her about Kol, that we were married but he is somewhere overseas and can't get here. She asked to see a picture of him so I simply said they were all at my house.

"I don't know what I will do without you." Said Bella, who was standing at the car door hugging me. I had driven her to the Airport where she was getting picked up by her father in Seattle I think. "Well it won't be for long, tell Charlie I said hi and that I will be there in a few weeks," I spoke holing up a ticket it was a one-way trip ticket and it was to Seattle there I would get my car and drive to the small town on Forks, there I would stay in the spare bedroom at Bella's father's place. He loved me, like a daughter of course.

"No way! You're coming to forks? That awesome." She boasted. I nodded and said my last goodbye before she got on her plane to Seattle.

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now