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I got out of my car, it was time to see my family.
I walked into the compound. It was eerily quiet which made me suspicious, but then suddenly I herd the barking of Lobo. I grinned as the dog ran up to me sniffing but then suddenly jumped up onto me making me laugh. "Whos there" I heard then a whoosh which signalled that someone was behind me.
Turning around, I was squished into a bear hug that came from Alex as she sobbed. I comforted her. I was curious as to what had happened but I didn't want to ask one of my best friends as she was sobbing in my shoulder.

"I'm so glad your back." She sobbed. I shushed her comfortingly.

We were in Alexandrine's room.  She cried for a while before looking up at me. "Tav, I have to tell you something." Alex sobbed. She had stopped crying but she couldn't stop sobbing. "What is it?" I asked.
Tears where running down her cheeks. "Finn is dead" She cried. I gasped and hugged her.

Suddenly there were loud bangs from the courtyard. Both Alex and I stood up and walked to the balcony. Down on the ground was Marcellus and Nik, arguing. I rolled my eyes as one went for the other. "Stop." I yelled. Both paused at my voice and turned around to face me. "Stop acting like bloody animals. I'm just back and now you have fouled my already bad mood. Do I have to rip your heads from your necks to quieten the noise in this bloody home" I screamed, walking down the stairs. Nik rolled his eyes as Marcellus gulped. I glared at both of them.

"Roll your eyes at me again Niklaus and I will bury you in the ground and leave you to rot until I decide that you can no longer move your eyes." I was beyond pissed off now. I could hear Marcellus snickering. I turned to him, "What are you laughing about? Maybe I will get Niklaus to compel you to stay still and shut up. Then I will have the humans put on a show for you. Do you remember last time? When you were a child and we had people play Shakespeare? Yes I thought you would" I said turning away. I looked at the ground, it was covered in Broken wood, blood, and bits of broken furniture.

I pointed to the mess. "I want this cleared before I get back. If not, I will rain hell of your little kingdom. You all need to remember that as are Vampires not Dogs." And with that I walked out of the Compound leaving them stunned and wide eyed.

I had been out for a few hours, I had like fifty miss calls from Nik, Marcellus, Alex and Lisa.
Mikael was pacing around while I sat, reading a book and Davina created another bracelet for me.

Just then, I got a text.
Make it up to you over dinner, Rousseau's.
It was from Kaleb. I showed Davina as we both grinned.
"I'll come with you, Cassie is planning something" she said, and gave me the bracelet.
I nodded in ok before we both stepped out of the attic that Mikael is currently trapped in.

When we got there, Kaleb was sitting at a small table in the middle of the room. Davina say at the bar and ordered herself a drink, while I walked to Kaleb who stood up smiling. "Didn't think you would make it" He said. I smiled and took a seat.
"Well I had some spear time on my hands." He chuckled and took a seat across from me.


We had been talking for ages, just getting to know each other. "My family? They are all crazy as loons." I smiled as he took a drink of the bourbon.
"What about your family?" I looked down.

"Well it's complicated. My parents died, my brother and I kind of became family to another as I got married to one of them and my brother to their sister. We kind of just became a part of their family. It feels like forever ago we didnt know them now I can tell when each is lying or if they are telling the truth." I said. Kaleb looked up from his drink.

"Your married?" I shook my head. "Widowed. He died a year ago almost." I said with a tear that I wiped away immediately.

"What was your parents like?" He asked. I shrugged. I decided to talk about Kol's parents rather than mine as it was them who I was closer to.

"Not much to say, I have a brother, my dad was distant.. which was a lot better than my mother."

Kaleb smile Before nodding. "Mommy issues aye? Bet she was a control freak, right." I nodded. "Yeah Same as mine. Guess she's the reason I stopped practicing magic for so long." My eyes widened.

"Your a warlock?" We both leaned in closer. "Don't look so surprised love, didn't just ask you out her because your gorgeous. Nah we're ah, we're kindred souls."

"What do you mean?" I asked. He glanced down before looking back at me. They way he looked at me. It reminded me of Kol.

"I know your story Octavia. Vampire witch that was married to Kol Mikaelson before he was killed my Marcel. I'm a lot like you, I don't really believe in rules or authority. Your courage it should be celebrated." Just then I got a call, for Davina.

"I'm so sorry, I need to take this I'll be right back." I said as I stood up, walking outside.

"What's wrong?" I asked Davina as she stood outside.
"We need to leave, Marcel and Elijah are coming." She said. I nodded and walked back into the bar to collect my things. 

When I walked in,  everyone was leaving, I walked over to Kaleb.

"What's going on?"

"Some guy just announced they are closing for a private party." I nodded. "We should leave now." Just as I turned around, there was a man. "What's your rush sweet heart. Why don't you stay and party with us." He said and bit me which made me scream in pain before I snapped his neck.

"Can you do that with all of them?" Kaleb asked. I shook my head. "Not with this bite."

We backed up, me holding my arm and Kaleb behind me.

One of the werewolves picked me back making me fall while Kaleb went for him but only ended up at the other side of the bar.

I looked around and grasped the bracelet, chanting the spell signalling Micheal to come save me.

I was pinned against the bar, a werewolf about to rip out my heart. Within seconds, he was ripped from me by Micheal. I sighed as he killed the Werewolves. But I was thrown back and my bracelet came off. Micheal noticed this and stood above me. "Well now, what an interesting turn of events." He said menacingly. I gulped but before he could get me he was pushed away by Elijah and Marcellus who had ran up to me as Elijah tackled Micheal. As they both go up, Elijah looked taken aback. "Father?"

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now