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"Hello, Boy. I had wanted to see your brother first but we have some unfinished business." He said before leaping at Elijah, I panicked and looked around frantically for my bracelet. Marcel came to pick me up but I stopped him.

"My bracelet, I can control him find it!" I wheezed because of the werewolf bite. Marcellus looked around frantically before finding it, Mikael stopped and turned to me, trying to leap at me but I held my bracelet out.

"Stop. Go back now." I ordered. He growled and zoomed back to the attic. I looked at Marcel and Elijah who was glaring at me. I glared back and shook my head.
"You could have got hurt! I told you not to come!" I screamed. And zoomed away.

When I was back on the streets, I decided to look for Niklaus because I needed his blood. I walked into the Compound before I was held up by the neck, Nik was growling at me.

"Are you completely insane!" I heard Raven scream, walking down the stairs. I looked to her then back to Nik who had dropped me to the ground.

"Go back inside Raven" He said. I rolled my eyes, as did she until she saw my bite. "Oh my god! Tav are you ok!?" She screamed. I shook my head and slumped forward.

"Nik please!" I pleaded. He rolled his eyes. "Nik I'll die!" I yelled, my throat becoming dry. He sighed and held his wrist out for me to drink, I bit into his vein, drinking his blood, watching the werewolf bite on my arm disappear. Raven let out a breath of relief and she looked for Nik to me then back.

"Now will someone please tell me what the hell is going on!" I looked to Nik to explain.


"I'm sorry, but I had no choice, I can make sure that he doesn't get to you if I have this!" I yelled, holding out my bracelet. Nik sighed and nodded. I let out a breath of relief. Raven then bounced up to me.

"Now that's all settled, I have extremely good news and I need to tell you, everyone knows but you weren't here so I'll tell you now." She said, walking up to Nik as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Nik and I are engaged!" She exclaimed. I squealed and hugged her. "Oh my god, really? Oh I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed. She laughed and hugged me back.

"I can't believe I'm going to get married!"


It had been a few days, Everything was seemingly back to normal. Raven and I were making wedding plans when I frowned. Her smile died down and she looked at me sad.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I instantly looked up and tried m best for a smile.
"Nothing, just.. I want Kol here. The fact that we are making wedding plans makes me kind of want my own, ours was pretty and all but we didn't do anything for it, it was the Viking times so there was not much for it. It was special and all but I want another. And I would never think of marrying anyone except Kol, I can't even imagine it." I gasped for air a bit after my speech. She gave a half hearted smile.

"Well aren't you with that other guy, Kaleb?" She asked. I frowned at his name. "Yes, But every time I'm with him, it's like I'm with Kaleb, the way he talks sometimes, or the smirk, it's like he is Kol! And all I can think about is Kol!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air.

"Well, being totally in love and married to a guy for a thousand years would do that to you." She spoke softly. "I mean, I don't think I will age anymore than I have so I think Klaus and I have a chance." I grinned and looked at her.

"Of course, you are made for each other, literally, Soul mates are special, Kol and I were Mates, As is Alex, and Finn, and 'lijah and Lisa, you guys fit together like a puzzle." I grinned at her as she smiled in return. I hugged her before Nik and Elijah ran in.

"We made a plan to kill Mikael, thank you Octavia for giving us information on where he is" Elijah smiled. I shrugged. "Anytime."

We all headed to the cabin where I walked in and hugged Davina. "Hey." I said softly.


"Now tell me. Why do you want to break this link?" I asked. She turned to me. "I want to kill Klaus." My face paled as I looked at her. "Why? No you can't, it will break Raven" I said. "It will tear my family apart, Nik can't die and I won't let him." I said. She frowned. "He has done so much damage-" She started but I cut her off. "And you will do more by killing him." She looked down. "What if I just hurt him, just enough to teach him a lesson then I will let him go, but I want to finish the unlinking, just in case mikeal escapes or something happens to Nik so my friends don't die.

I nodded. I didn't like the thought of Nik being hurt but it was either that or war and I wasn't in the mood to kill my best friend. Just then, I felt an arrow Pierce my shoulder, I looked at it, it was dripping with some substance that was a mixture of werewolf venom, vervain and wood. I groaned and kneeled down, Davina gasped and called the first person she could, Kaleb.

It had been a few hours, Kaleb had given me something for the wound as it would heal and was in so much pain. After I fell asleep, I woke up but my eyes were still closed as I listened to the conversation between Nik and Kaleb.

"Hello, Kol."

"Long time no see, Brother"

"So tell me, how long have you been deceiving your own wife? Does she know you have came back from the dead? I bet she doesn't."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Kol's name. I lifted my head. Kaleb/Kol turned to me and frowned. I was seething in anger, and in a minute Nik was gone.

"Liar!" I screeched, throwing Kaleb/Kol into a wall with my magic. He stood up and cast a spell that make my head burn. I dropped to my knees, clutching my head. "That hurt" he yelled.

By the time the physical pain had stopped, I was on the floor sobbing. I felt like everything that had happened the past few weeks were a lie. Kol was alive and he didn't tell me.

"Octavia?" He whispered, kneeling down to hug me, To which I pulled away and stood up, angry again, it was like I was on my period but I haven't had one in a thousand years.

"Why didn't you tell me? The one person who had been through everything with you, the one person you could turn to, to trust and love, and you chose the woman who made my life hell over me!" I screamed. He looked down. "And you ruined the spell, the one thing that protected my best friend's friends from dying!" I yelled again, pinning him to a wall.

"My mother said "kill the spell or kill her" and I happen to like you, a lot I may add considering we were married for athousand years!" He yelled back. I dropped him.

"We need to get Mikael, are you coming or not?" I demanded. He looked down then back up and nodded. And with that we went to get Mikael.

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now