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It had been two weeks and I was packing my things to head to forks. I had filled up one bag with clothes and another that looked like a bag but it was actually a cooler that had bloodbags in it.
Driving to the airport, all I wanted to do was turn back and go to Kol but I couldn't. I kept driving till I got on the airplane, going onto first class, there was hardly anyone in first class for that I was thankful. And with that I fell asleep.

I woke up when we landed, I looked outside, Rain, all I saw- was rain. Actually I was less than impressed, Cold ones would be around here somewhere prowling around like it's no ones business. I hated them.

The reason they actually exist is because some weirdo witch tried to copy my Mother-In-law's spell to make vampires but ended up with some weird disco ball that shines when the sun hits them. They hardly know that real vampires exist. They think that they are monsters well they haven't met Klaus. Compared to us, they are like kittens. The thing I don't get about them though is that with age, I become stronger, but with age they become weaker, they are like pensioners. They get old and then they get weak, but me? I get stronger with age. I remember when my whole family went up against Aro and the youngsters. Let's just say, I basically beheaded his best warriors. And from that day they haven't spoke to the Mikaelsons.
I walked down to my Porsche that was sitting on a parking space ready for me to drive it. I put my bags in, and got into the drivers seat, driving to forks.
After about two hours, I got to the Swan house. I knocked on the door. He had to invite me in. "Tavel is that you?" Charlie asked as he opened the door. I nodded and he said "come in!" I stepped into the house. Bella ran downstairs. "You're here! God I have loads to tell you!" Bella said, pulling me upstairs and into her room. "Ok so what's happened when I was in Phoenix?" I asked curiously. She looked at the pillow she was holding. "Do you believe in Vampires?" Asked Bella. I'm pretty sure all the blood left my face.
"V-Vampires? What do you mean?" I stuttered. How could she know, what did she know. "What do you know?" I asked. She looked taken aback. "Y-your eyes." She said. I looked away covering my eyes. "What are you?" She asked.
I didn't know what to say. "I'm a Vampire." I said lowly. She glanced at me then back to the pillow. "You shine in the sun too?" She questioned. I scoffed then chuckled. "I'm nothing like those Disco balls. I'm a real vampire." Her eyes widened.

"What do you mean real vampire" She asked. I decided to tell her the full story, I mean it's not like my kind had laws, but the disco balls did. I was allowed to tell people I'm a vampire, Hell if I wanted to, I could scream it from the rooftops. "There is two types of Vampires, Real vampires, Created by my lovely Mother-In-Law. And the Disco Balls. I'm part of- Basically the royals of the Vampires and the Disco balls have theirs too who are petrified of me and my family. When my MIL {Mother in Law} Created vampires, it was her children so they couldn't die and wouldn't get sick. After my Yougest Brother-In-Law died. She created the spell, then my Husband Kol turned me into a vampire as I died in child birth from having my child. She died after the birth as did I now I'm a vampire and one of the oldest in existence. The Disco balls get weaker with age, but my kind get stronger. There are also two types of werewolves. My kind of Werewolf and the shifters." Bella listened contently taking in all the information. "What happens to you in the sun?" She asked. I smiled. "We burn, but I have a daylight ring, made by a witch that keeps me from burning." I explained. Then I got curious. "How did you know anyway?" Bella looked down before saying, "my boyfriend is a vampire. A Disco ball, as you put it." I was shocked. Eww she like a disco ball. The cold ones are weird. And literally their whole existence revolves around a witch wanting to copy us.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and in came a cold one. By his smell, I could tell he was a Cullen. I recognise the smell. "Who's this?" Is asked Bella, the Cold One visibly gulped. "Edward, this is my non-related sister, Octavia. Tave this is my Boyfriend, Edward Cullen." I smirked as he looked down not making eye contact. Edward walked over to the corner pulling Bella with him. "Why is she in here, they are more dangerous than me. She's a daylighter." He warned Bella thinking I can't here. "I'd watch what you say disco ball, One; I'm stronger than you, and Two: My family will rip your head off and feet it to Niklaus." I threatened my back turned to them. I chuckled as I heard him gulp. I turned to face them, they were looking at me. "Oh and another thing Edward, tell Carlisle I'm here and I want to see him, tell him I send my best." I spoke walking out of the room and to the guest bedroom. Where my bags where thanks Charlie. I thought as I put the blood in the mini fridge and my clothes in the drawers. Got the picture that had me and Kol on it from 1762, We had it drawn just before he was Daggered by Klaus.
"I love you, Octavia." Kol said, pecking my lips before we had the portrait drawn. The man was very skilled. After the portrait was drawn, we waited for him to finish signing it but he never did finish as Niklaus snapped his neck. "Niklaus!" I screamed as he went for Kol, who was trying to move out the way of the dagger pointed at his chest. "Niklaus please Stop" I screamed, tears gushing down my face. Just then, Vercelisa hugged me as I cried into her arms, Kol was Daggered and an a deep slumber that he may never wake up until Nik sees fit. "I hate him, He did it again. I hate Niklaus!" I sobbed.
I was brought out my thoughts as I realised that I was crying. I looked back down at the picture then wiped the tears away from my face. I wanted Kol back. I could tell myself becoming weak as I thought of Kol. "I hate Niklaus" I whispered, placing the picture on the bedside table.

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now