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Ok so I've decided that i will make a new story, and that story will be about Elijah and Lisa. it will be about how they met, how they deal with Nik. This one will be in both the Vampire diaries and the originals. The book will be in Lisa's Pov, The first few chapters will but up soon so keep an eye out for them.


It had been about 3 Months since I left. I had been practicing my magic and I had gotten really good at it. I could take down anyone in my path with the flick of my wrist.

I opened my door and walked into the room. Just as I was picking out clothes, I heard my ringtone. Picking up the phone, I read the called ID. It was an unknown caller. I answered it.
"Hello?" Someone asked. "Is this Octavia Mikaelson?" They asked. I placed my clothes in the dresser. "Yes it is."

"Good. Come to New Orleans. Don't let anyone know Your here" They ordered. I chuckled. "Why should I listen to you?" I asked. "Because I know how to bring your husband back. Come to the street just outside of rousseau's." They ordered again. I was quiet for A minute. Suddenly they hang up on me. I growled and began packing my things. I needed to get to New Orleans.

After packing all of my things, I decided to put them in my car. Closing my trunk, I walked up the steps and back into the house to say goodbye.
I said goodbye to the cullens and got into my car. With all of the Cullens standing outside, I pulled away from the house and started driving to the airport.


I had parked my car on the cargo and walked to my plane, it didn't take long to get there. Once I was there, I got into my seat in first class. Memories of the time Kol and I Sat next to each other when we were all coming back from Forks came flooding back, the way Nik whines as he had to sit next to a stranger.
In my opinion, I liked public planes more than the Mikaelson Jet so whenever I am traveling, I take public planes.

After hours of travel, I made it to New Orleans where it was daylight. I brought out my phone and began to text the number.
I'm here. Where do you want to meet?

After a few seconds, I got a text.

rousseau's. The person replied. I nodded to myself and began to walk there, but being the clumsy twat I am, I tripped on the curb. Before I hit the ground, a pair of unfamiliar arms caught me.

After being back on my feet I looked up to meet a face I hadn't seen before. "Well hello, love. What's your name" He flirted. I rolled my eyes and held up my hand with my wedding ring on it. "Married" I said and tried to walk away but he stopped me. "And where is this Husband of yours?" He asked looking around. My expression changed to a cold one. "Dead"
The way he spoke, I recognised it but I didn't know him.

"Well love, sorry to hear that. How long ago?" He asked. I looked Down to direct my gaze elsewhere. "Almost a year." He nodded.

"Well, a pretty girl like you must have many suitors, have you considered dating again?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry but I don't need a therapist."
The guy chuckled. "I'm Kaleb, you?"

"Octavia." I said. He smiled, and it made me smile. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, I cleared my throat. "Well I've gotta go but.. Let's go for coffee sometime." I said. He chucked and nodded. "See you around Octavia." He said and walked away.

What am I doing? I'm married! But should I start dating? It's almost been a year and I need to get my mind to stop being so depressed.

I got to rousseau's, I couldn't get my mind off Kaleb. Walking in, I spotted a girl, she was looking right at me. She nodded her head and I instantly knew she was the person I was going to meet.
I walked up to her and sat at the table across from her.

"Why am I here?" I asked. She smirked. "I need you to help me. You are going to help me with whatever I say and you will get your precious Kol back. Don't, and I will never help you. You need a witch to do the spell and last time I checked, your just a vampire." I held in a laugh, she couldn't be any more wrong. "That's what you do t know about me, girl. I dont need a witch. I am one." I said and used my manic to give her a searing head ache. Not enough to kill her but enough to know that i was causing it. "Alright. Stop" she muttered. She looked up at me. "What are you?" She asked. I smirked. "I'm both"

The girl looked at me in fear while I sat smirking. I leaned on the table with my elbows and cocked my head to the side. "Now why do t you tell me why I'm here. Before I do much worse than give you a small headache." I threatened. She gulped.

"My name is Davina Clair. You know me yes?" She asked. That's who she is. I've herd of her but I never could be bothered to meet her. "Ok well. I've raised someone and I need you to help me conceal him until I can find the unlinking spell." She said. I nodded. I didn't know who she was talking about but if it would bring back Kol, fine.

"And who is this person I am helping conceal. If you do t mind me asking of course." I said. She smirked. "Your father-in-law, Mikael"

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now