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It had been a couple of weeks since I met bella's Cold One friends I Met Jacob who seemed to be obsessed with bells. I found it kinda Creepy. I was rushed out of my thoughts as my phone started to ring. I reached over and picked it up. "Hey Lisa-" I said as I picked up the phone "Lisa, On the contrary, I'm very much a man." I shot up out of my bed as I heard his voice. "Elijah?" I asked. He chuckled. "Hello Octavia." I didn't reply. "Where is Lisa?" I asked curiously. "She is asleep. Why did you think I would harm her? I would never harm her she is my mate" He spoke into the phone. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. Just then, Bella walked into the room. "I'll call you back, Elijah." I said and hung up, Bella was curious for a moment before saying "let's go, Edward and the Cullen's are waiting for us, we are gonna play baseball and because you have the strength and speed, your coming." I chuckled and nodded as I grabbed my Titanium bat. The reason I have a Titanium bat it because how hard I hit the ball, it would shred an aluminium bat. She pulled me out of my room and down to my car where is got in as she got in Edward's Jeep then drove off with my car behind them as we got to the field where we both parked at the side, I got out and looked around. It was massive. I saw the Cullen's at one side of the field, I used my vampire speed to run over to them, when they run, you can see them, but when I run I'm like the flash only not red. The Cullen's were taking practise swings. "Have you got an extra ball your gonna need it." I said. Emmett chuckled and I started to swing my bat until Alice was ready to throw for me. "Don't hold back, I need a good throw." She nodded and threw the ball, if I were human I wouldn't have seen how fast it was going. I Hit the ball and it went flying into the air so far that it landed at the other side of Washington. Alice watched me shrug, her mouth opened her mouth. I chuckled, "that's nothing compared to my husband. He could get it to another state. Plus, He's hot with a bat." I said with a shrug. Rosalie chuckled which made Emmett growl slightly. "Jealous much?" I mumbled so they didn't hear me. Bella was still over by the car with Edward. "Since when to Vampires like Baseball." She questioned. I smirked. "Well, it's the Amarican pass time, and Uh, there's a thunderstorm coming and it's the only time we can play. You'll see why." Edward and Bella walked over to us.

"Glad Your here, we need an umpire." Esme said to Bella, obviously she couldn't play as she was human but she could still be the ref. "She thinks we cheat." Emmett said, Esme chuckled. "Oh I know you cheat, call 'em as you see 'em Bella." She said. "Okay" Bella said with a slight laugh. I smirked. Emmett and Edward were fighting to see who would be on my team. "I'll go... Emmett's team you'll need my speed." I shouted, you could Here a yes! From far away and I chuckled. Suddenly there was a stroke of lightning and thunder "It's time" Alice shouted. We all got ready. I got into position my bat behind my head. Alice thee the ball at me and I whacked the ball so hard it made a sound like thunder. "I bolted, and made the second before Edward had even started running. I made home run and was waiting for them to come back. I could hear Bella and Esme talking. "Edwards very fast." Esme said. I yawned, "when do they get here?" I asked. I could hear Emmett laughing and Carlisle chuckling. Then it was Carlisle's turn, he hit the ball and ran, Edward and Emmett both went for the ball but neither caught it and they both fell to the ground laughing, Carlisle made home run. Then it was Rosalie's turn. She hit the ball and ran, but Edward ran and caught the ball, throwing it back and Esme caught it, Bella said "Your out" which pissed Rose off. "Aw c'mon babe it's just a game." She walked past me. "Nice Kitty." I said. She growled and I held my hands up in surrender. The I was Jaspers turn. Jasper hit the ball and ran, but Emmett climbed a tree and caught the ball. Throwing it back, Rose said "my monkey man." Which immediately made me think of Kol. He used to climb. And now he's in a box. I tear slid down my cheek but I immediately rubbed it away. I looked around and saw Carlisle looking at me. I gave him a sad smile as he returned with a reassuring one. It was my turn again and I took my position. After hitting the ball I began to run when Alice shouted, "Stop!" We all knew what was happening except bells "I shouldn't have brought you here I'm so sorry." Edward says. I look at him. "What?" Bella asks. I ignore her and stand with the rest of the Cullen's. A blonde guy, Black Guy and a woman walk up to us. The woman glares at me but I smirk. The black guy hold up the ball we played with. "I believe this belongs to you." He said and threw it back, I grabbed it and threw it behind we with everything else. "Thank you" Carlisle said. I nodded and the Black guy said, "I am Laurent, This is Victoria, And James." Victoria still glared at me. I wanted to rip her head off. And James glanced around at us all.
"I'm Carlisle, this is My family, And Octavia-" He was cut off my Victoria. "Mikaelson." Carlisle nodded. I flashed her my vampire face to scare her, she took a few steps back but Bella gave me the look that said "Your not helping!" I rolled my eyes then looked back at them. "Hello" Laurent said. I nodded. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused some what if a mess for us." Carlisle said.

"Our Apologies, we didn't realise the territory had been claimed." Carlisle didn't look satisfied with the answer. "Yes well, We maintain a permanent residence near by." He explained. Laurent looked at James who was looking into Edwards eyes. "Really, Well we won't be a problem anymore, we are just passing through." Laurent said. "The humans were tracking us, but we led them east, you should be safe." Victoria said with a smirk. I hate her. Carlisle nodded, "excellent."

Laurent was looking around. "So, could you use three more players?" We all looked to Carlisle who was looking at Laurent. "Yes well some of us were just leaving, you could fill in." He said. Laurent nodded and moved to the side. Bella turned around, but the wind blew in her direction, making her scent go everywhere. Just then, James moved forward, "you brought a snack." Everyone jumped in front of Bella. The way they were moving, i couldn't help but laugh. I just walked in front of James and looked at him. "I would move along, before I call Niklaus and get him down here, you know what happened last time. Maybe this time I'll rip your head off and feed it to him for dinner." James looked terrified. Then Laurent walked up to us, "a human?" He asked. "The girl is with us. Leave." I demanded. Laurent nodded not wanting to feel the rath of an Original Wife.

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now