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The new Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, his head in his hands, sat in his room on the huge Star Destroyer. All he felt was anger and the will to destroy. The resistance had just slipped through his gloved hands and he knew it was all his fault. He shouldn't have been so embittered about Luke Skywalker. He should have fully focused on the resistance. Angry, he slammed his fists on the black table.

"Supreme Leader?"

Kylo turned around. Hux.

"What do you want?!"

Hux rolled his eyes. Kylo hated it when he did that.

"What do you want Hux?!", he said with more pressure behind his voice.

"The First Order needs to act fast. We have to locate the Millennium Falcon quickly, or we risk another rise of the Resistance."

Hux spat the names out like they were covered in dirt.

"Then do it!"

Hux rolled his eyes again.

"What point of 'then do it' don't you understand, 'General'? I expect detailed reports as soon as you gathered new information."

"Yes, great Supreme Leader."

Hux left. Kylo was annoyed bythe way he treated him. Maybe it was time to teach him a lesson.

Ren took a seat on the black throne next to the window, which showed the dark lord  reflected before the wide stars of the galaxy. Suddenly, the backround noises shut down and Ren found himself in silence.


Kylo's heart skipped a beat. He swirled around and looked right into her eyes.


She took a step towards Ren. He felt hurt about her. He had wanted to give it all up for her, he, the great Kylo Ren, even begged her to join him- but she still rejected him.

"How is the lightsaber?"

He noticed her looking to the ground.

"It is destroyed Ben, I still have it."

This name. Ben.
Kylo hated this name. It was a name of a weak child. But he left this unsaid.

"I don't have to tell you anything. It is all said."

Ren's heart hurt while saying these words. He knew he had a lot more to say, many stories to tell.

"Ben please. You know that I couldn't do this."

Ren knew.

"Talk to me. It is not our fate to rule the galaxy. Luke told me-"

"Just let it slip, Rey! Luke told me too, okay? He told me so many things but he never mentioned that killing his padawan was part of his plan! He is a liar."

Tears were rolling down Rey's face.

"Ben please-"

"It's REN."

Then she was gone. Kylo sank down to the ground. This was such a lie. He didn't want to say all these things. Not to Rey. She was special. But it all came over him.

Come on Kylo Ren.'

He rose from the floor, took his mask, and put it onto his head.

Time to rule a galaxy.

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