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Rey's hands were shaking. She clung to the small bag with the lightsaber she was carrying.

Why, Ben?

She was sorry. She did not want this.
Slightly, Rey walked into a village leaving footsteps in the snow. She was beginning to feel cold.

The village had a few iced houses. The young scavenger knocked at a few doors without any success.

"Hello? Is someone here?"

Rey turned around and spotted something shining in the snow. When she came near the glimmer's source, she noticed the light coming from it.

"Oh, Rey you must be."

Rey stumbled backwards and fell to the cold snowy ground. A light blue shadow appeared in her front.

"Yoda I am. Here to help you I am."

Rey remembered how Luke mentioned his master in training a few times, but not often enough to have shared actual information about his personality.

"Yeah, uhm, Luke told me about you. You were his master, weren't you?"

"Right you are. And here I am for you. A new kyber crystal you need. A new ship you need."

Yoda pointed to the horizon. A mountain was in Rey's sight.

"There you have to go. A crystal you will choose and an old ship you will find."


Rey got up and swept the snow off her clothes. Her arms wrapped around her torso she made her way to the mountain.


At the mountain, Rey noticed a door in the rocks. Using the force, she broke the door open and went in.

In there she held her breath. There were countless crystals blinking into her face from all directions. There were blue ones and green ones, but in the middle of the room she noticed a white, small crystal, which was glowing more than the others.

"Oh, the special one it must be."

Rey winced. Why had this green goblin have to appear so sudden all the time?

"You are calling me a goblin?"

Rey became nervous. After all, this was a Jedi Master she was talking to. And one of enormous power at that.

But Yoda just laughed.
"Such a good joke I haven't heard for a long time! You are special, just like your crystal."

Rey walked up to the white glowing stone and placed her hands around it. Then she pulled it gently out of the rocks.

"Well done, padawan. You are ready to return. Luck I wish you. It was an honor to meet the last Jedi."
With this last sentence Yoda giggled and disappeared.


Rey looked around. She still needed a ship to leave this planet.

The girl took a seat on the ground. Maybe the force could help her to locate a ship in this huge system of corridors and rooms. 

She groaned. This was not particularly easy. She sensed no energy levels, the ship must have been stationary here for who knew how long- So, she decided to follow her instincts and let herself be guided on her serach by the force.

Lifting up some rocks here and there she made her way through corridors and some rooms, turned left and right, before she finally opened a heavy metal door to an old hangar.

There, she found an old X-Wing and in it she even a small droid.

She jumped in and pushed a few buttons.

'Come on, work!', she grunted between gritted teeth.

Then the lights lit up and Rey heared a little sound coming from the droid.

"Yep, I just turned you on again, you're welcome", she joked towards the machine behind her.

Rey smiled. This droid was tough.

"BB7-E, you say? How long have you been here?"

A few noises later Rey could recapture the whole history of missions BB7-E had been helping at before.

"So, I need to get back to my friends. Mind helping?"

Rey took a look on her ring.

"This way."

The hangar opened its gigantic door and Rey started the engine of the X-Wing. With the loud sound of roaring engines, BB7 steered the ship outside and took course to the direction Rey had pointed to.

"Resistance, I am coming back."


I hope the way i portrayed Yoda is good enough for this legend. It is harder to picture what Yoda would do than I would have thought.
I hope you liked it anyway!

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