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Rey was sleepless. Scary dreams were hunting her. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the Resistance burning and her best friends lying on the floor, suffering and dying, next to them the pieces of the droid's metal. After another unsuccessful attempt to sleep, Rey got up and walked up and down in her cell.

There must be something I can do! There has to!

While she was walking around, she noticed a small bottle of water in a corner near the laser prison bars.
Thirsty she took some big sips of the water.

She smiled a little. Whoever put that there cared about her health at least.

In that moment, the door opened. Fast, Rey hid the bottle under her bed. The red guards saluted and left the room.

This black robe again.

"It's a good day for you, scavenger. I won't torture you."

Rey rolled her eyes.

"Wow. What else painful things are you going to do to me? The anger must go somewhere."

"I have my methods."

Rey took a step nearer to the laser bars again.


Ren didn't answer.

"Take that stupid mask off."

Ren pushed a button on his mask and pulled it over his head. The scar was showing red and looked painful.

Rey stuck her right hand through the bars reaching out to the dark lord's face. But her arm could not reach it. 

Suddenly, Ren threw away his mask and it hit the ground with a numb sound. Then he gently took a step towards Rey so her hand could softly reach the scar.

It hurt Ren. But he liked Rey's touch.

A tear rolled down Rey's face. She felt Ben's muscles tense.

"I am sorry for what I did to you. You are a monster. But I know there is good in you. Ben, I know you are in there."

Ren stepped back. He was scared of Rey's words. His gloved hand touched the spot Rey's hands had laid on before.

In that moment, the door opened another time. Hux entered, followed by the red guards.

"Supreme Leader, there is something urent you have to see."

Hux looked at Rey with a disgusted face.


Ren took his mask from the ground and put it back onto his face.

"Then show me."

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