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"What is so important that you couldn't let me finish my interrogation?!"

Hux sighted annoyingly. He went over to a console and turned on a holo message. It showed General Organa.

"Dear Resistance members. We received a major defeat a few months ago. Although we shouted for help and were left by ourselves, we survived and are ready to forgive your mistakes and to built a new Resistance.
Years ago, we decided to make up a meeting place if it came to a situation like this, where we all could meet and give each other strength. 
We have three days. Until then, we will find a new base.
May the force be with you."

"Rey can't know."

Hux gave him a confused look.

"That is the first thing you think about? This scavenger girl?"

Ren did a easy move with his hand and Hux hit the ground. He looked up to his leader.

"She is a first hand source. I will make her talk. You have no right to tell me what to do."

The black cape fluttered behind the Supreme Leader as he left the bridge.

Rey can't know, can she?

The dark lord stepped into the elevator. But instead of going to his room, he pushed the button to Snoke's old throne.

Kylo walked the hallway up to it. The bodies were removed, it seemed all peaceful.

He looked around. Nobody but he was present.

Kylo sat down on the throne. A special strength hushed through his body and mind. He felt powerful and able to beat anyone.

"Am I interrupting you in anything?"

Kylo opened his eyes with triumph in his eyes.

"No. Speak what you have to say, scavenger."

But instead of saying anything, Rey walked up to the throne herself. She stood next to him and put one hand onto Ren's.

He immediately felt a beautiful peace inside of himself. A balance. The missing piece of calmness and silence he needed to bring his anger into balance, they showed themselves. Like he was-  completed.

But suddenly, Ren jumped up from his throne.

"What do you think you are doing?!"

Rey answered with a calm and peaceful voice: "I was showing you the light in you."

Then the force bond was gone.

Ren had an internal conflict.

The light inside of me.

He shook his head and rushed out of the throne hall.


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