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Rey felt the ship slowing down. Then someone knocked at the door. Finn entered the room.

"We almost arrived at Tatooine. Prepare to fast evacuate our allies onto this ship."

Suddenly an alarm howled over the corridors. Red lights flashed and Rey's heart skipped a beat. She took her lightsaber in her hand. Safe was safe.

Finn jumped over to Rey and grabbed her arm pulling her into the direction of the bridge. In this moment an announcement of Leia.

》Everyone on his positions! Apparently we are attacked by the First Order's biggest Star Destroyer. This will be a hard fight. Good luck and may the force be with you!《

Rey's hands were shaking when the doors to the bridge opened. Finn immediately ran forward to the elevators to get to the hangar.

Leia rushed over to Rey.

"There is no time to explain. We need your help to escort our allies safely into the starship. They are unarmed and defenceless."

Rey nodded. Fear ran through her veins but she knew this was necassary.

"Poe will lead you to the transporters. Down on Tatooine all you have to focus on is to bring the allies into the transporters. A few fighters will have your back. Good luck."

Rey ran as fast as she could, her lightsaber safe in her hand.

The hangar was crowded. She barely could see anything. The BB7 showed up in her front and led her to the right ship.

"Thank you BB7. Look after yourself."

A few troopers joined her in the transporter. Then Poe attempted to leave the hangar.

Out there the war was on its highest point. Flanked by some X-Wings the transporter made his way through the blaster shots. Rey was insecure. Somewhere there he had to be. Ben.


Ben Solo was ringing with himself. He had to act fast if he didn't want his biggest nightmare to come to life. His side was batteling another side. The side Rey was on. She could be badly injured or even killed in this battle.

Rey would take bullets for her friends and family. She would die for them.

Ben threw away his mask.

Time to do the same.


Rey was anxious. She felt a vibration in the force really near to her. She stranded tripping around nervously.

"Five minutes until we land."

Poe increased the speed to dodge a Tie-Fighter. Rey held the lightsaber with a strength like she was hanging over a cliff with this saber as last hope not to fall.

The howling of the hostile ships around her made Rey's heart beat faster. Finally she noticed the ship hitting the ground. The doors opened and the soldiers jumped out.

Okay. Time to show those Stormtroopers my new toy.

Rey let herself fall out of the transporter and landed on her feet. Extending her saber she sent some blaster shots back to their owners and dodged other lasers.

"Hurry!", she shouted and ran towards the barracks the allies were hiding in.

"The time is running and people are dying right now to save your asses so get up and run!"

The allies jumped onto their feet and followed Rey out of the barracks. She was swirling her lightsaber expertly.

Suddenly she heard a loud sound of a ship falling to the sandy ground. Distracted by the smog she didn't pay attention to the left troopers. She felt a sharp pain in her waist. Her saber fell to the ground and retracted. Rey fell onto her knees. Poe was shouting  a few incomprehensible words while Rey's body met the ground and she went unconscious.

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