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Ren got up. He was sweating and shaking. This felt too real.

He jumped into the shower and let the warm water run down his body. His headache was gone but the gap was filled with confusing theories about his dream.

Ren stopped the water and put on his dark robe and cape. He left his mask in his room.


Rey was shocked about her acting. She really just told her enemy she cared about him.

But you do.

Rey shook her head and left her room to speak to Leia about future plans. She still had no idea where they were flying.

She entered the bridge and gave the General a sign. Leia nodded and walked over to Rey.

"I hope you did rest a little. Come with me to my room."

Rey and her closed the door behind them and Leia turned a console on. It showed the galaxy and their course.

"At the moment we are flying to Tatooine to meet our allies. After that we will take course on Cantonica. When Finn and Rose travelled to Canto Bight they got in serious trouble and a few children helped them escape."

Rey frowned.

"What is the point if those children? Aren't they safer on their planet than flying around with us who are constantly hunted by the First Order?"

Leia took a deep breath.

"They are force sensitive. At least one of them is. Finn told us about that as soon as we escaped Kylo Ren and his army. They are in serious danger if the First Order finds about them."

Leia pushed a few buttons on the console and a holo projection of Canto Bight lit up.

"They could be the future of the Jedi and have to be protected."

Then Leia looked at Rey.

"And taught."

Rey's eyes widened. She had barely been taught herself and now she should teach other children?

"I don't know much about the force and the Jedi religion! How am I supposed to train those children when I am not even close to being a Jedi?"

A understanding look hushed over the General's face.

"We don't expect you to fully teach then. But you could teach them all you know. Make them familiar with the force."

Rey had a uncomfortable feeling about this but she nodded understanding. As long as the kids could use a little of the force to defeat themselves it was better than now. They had a chance.

"I understand. Let's get those kids and save them."

Leia smiled over Rey's confidence. She somehow wished she could keep Rey from this. But it was the only way.

Rey left the room and ran into Poe.

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