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Rey felt the ship shiver under her feet. The sound of laser blasters made her feel strong again. She was going to be rescued.

The red guardians stood still. They did their job and watched over me. Rey knew any Resistance soldier would die in a fight with them.

They were her part.

But without her lightsaber? What was she going to do?

Rey closed her eyes and concentrated. She stuck out her hand using the force. A few seconds later she held one weapon of the guardians in her hands.

The guardians jumped up and turned towards Rey pointing their weapons against her. But Rey was still trapped in her cell.

What now?

Rey knew there was a button next the door that turned the bars off. Ripping off her ring she closed her eyes.

For a second it is all silent around Rey. Then she jumps a step into the bars' direction and threw the ring to the button, turning the bars off and swirled around starting to fight the guardians.


Ren was running to Rey's cell. Her friends were coming for her and she was their only weapon. Without her they were pretty screwed.

He noticed screams coming from the door. Jumping in, he saw Rey swirling around and fighting the guardians. Right in the moment Ren's lightsaber extended, Rey stuck a long stick with lasers at its ends, one of the guardians' weapons, through the body of the second guardian causing him falling dead to the ground.

"Rey don't make me do this."

"You don't understand my situation, Ben. You have no family."

Ren felt emotionless. He had no family. No friend. He never felt so alone.

"You are right. But I can't let you go."

Kylo rose his red saber and started to hit Rey. She blocked his hits expertly and rolled off onto the ground hitting his lower leg. Ren sank onto the ground and Rey jumped onto her feet again.

"I am sorry", Rey said tearing up.


Ren's voice was shaking. Pain ran through his veins and built a fog in his mind and thoughts.

"Just... go."

Rey took her ring from the ground and sent Ren a last look. She could see the pain in his eyes and when she turned around she could swear she saw a tear rolling down his face.


Rey ran down the corridors, dodged the stormtroopers and stroke them down one after another. Finally she arrived at the hangar. The soldiers were running around nervous and tried to defeat the Resistances' fighters. Then Rey saw Finn fighting a few troopers on the platform below her. She jumped down and started to run towards him.


Finn hit the last Stormtrooper and turned to Rey.

"Rey! You are okay!"

Finn looked around and shouted:
"Soldiers! Retreat!"

Constantly dodging the blaster shots Finn led Rey to a transporter. A few other soldiers jumped up the ship and it left the Star Destroyer.

"The Resistance can't defeat the Destroyer for longer. We have to escape. Now!"

The transporter entered the hangar of the main Resistance starship.
In a matter of seconds the ship increased its speed up to hyper light speed.

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