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Rey woke up in a comfortable bed. The past happenings seemed like a nightmare. It was silent. When she opened her eyes she recognized the light white walls of the starship's medical centre.
Rey tried to get up but a pain in her waist pushed her back into the sheets. Carefully she looked under the sheets and pulled her shirt up to take a look on her injury.

It was covered into a tight bandage. Rey did not dare to touch it.

"Hello? Is there someone?"

A medical droid moved around the corner. She talked with a numb shattering voice.

"You are awake. You were shot on the battlefield. I will speak to General Organa. Direct instruction."

Rey tried to remember what had happened. She had tried to escort the allies into the starship. Where was her lightsaber? Were the allies successfully rescued?

Leia entered the room and went over to Rey's bed.

"She will make it, General", the metallic voice informed her.

"My dear, how do you feel?"

Rey narrowed her eyes in pain.

"I feel alright. What happened to the allies? I am so sorry Leia. I failed."

"The allies are all on good health. Poe could bring them up here safely."

Leia sighted. Something still was different.

"Who brought me here? Where is my lightsaber?"

"I locked your lightsaber in my room as long as you are in here."

Then a light smile hushed over her face.

"Let's say you were carried to the transporter."

Rey heard a few steps from the door. When she looked over to where they were coming from her heart skipped a beat.

"By me."

A tear rolled down Rey's face. She stuck a hand out to Ben and she took it smiling lightly. He was wearing clothes similar to what Han would have worn.

"If I only dodged that one blaster shot I wouldn't have crashed onto the planet. I am sorry for what happened Rey, it was my fault."

Rey smiled through her tears.

"Shut up, Ben."

Leia placed a hand on Rey's shoulder with a thankful look on her face.

"I am so thankful, dear. You brought my son back to me. You are truly a Jedi."

Leia left the room to discuss something with Admiral Holdo. Ben stayed with her.

"You did the right thing, Ben. I don't care about my injury."

Ben held her hand tight. He felt free again. Free of this trap Snoke had pulled him into. He fought for a person who was worth it not to prove that Ben was worthy to be taught in the dark side.

"I understand this now. What it's like to have someone to fight for. You are worth the pain."

Ben kissed her softly. She kissed him back and smiled.

They both knew the war wasn't over. Ben knew he would have to face his past allies again sometime. And he knew they would offer him his place on their side, a power no one else could give him.

But right here on Rey's side he felt the most powerful.
He fought for someone.

He fought for a friend.
For his family.


Hey there...
We made it I guess. This is the last part of this fanfiction.
I don't know if I will make a sequel yet. I have several plots to finish but I want to see if anyone reads this first xD
If you liked this story, please tell me! I would also like to get some feedback :) Feel free to leave critics.

Thank you for reading.
Yours, Lea.

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