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Relieved Rey stepped out of the transporter and hugged Finn tight.

"I told you I had a bad feeling about this."

Rey laughed.

"And I told you I had to do it anyway."

Finn and Rey went up to the bridge. Leia was standing at a console. When Rey entered the room she looked up.

"Oh Rey, finally."

Rey hugged Leia too. And behind them two well known droids brought the attention onto them.

"Oh hello BB8! I missed you a lot! And BB7, you are really clever. What would I have done without you."

Rey turned around to the General again. She handed her back the white glowing crystal.

"This droid dud an incredible job. Maybe he even saved our lives."

Rey smiled. She was back in her comfort zone.

"Follow me Rey."

Leia led Rey to her room. On the table she could see some metal objects.

"You arranged the kyber crystal and I obtained the individual parts of a lightsaber. They were hard to get but I have connections."

Rey looked at the pieces and got nervous. She had no idea how to build a lightsaber out of this.

"I do not have a clue how to make a lightsaber out of that."

Leia shook her head. She had often talked about lightsabers with her brother but how to build one had never come up.

Rey had an idea. She asked Leia to leave the room.

Rey took a seat on the chair next to the table and closed her eyes. She desperately tried to activate the force bond but nothing worked.

"Problems with building the saber you have."

Rey opened her eyes again. The force ghost of Yoda was sitting on the table. And looked at the metal objects.

This was not what Rey had thought of but there was a chance it would work.

"A way to solve this there is. Right in front of you it is."

Rey narrowed her eyes.

"I am no technician! And I have no master to teach me!"

Yoda giggled.

"Your eyes you should close, young padawan. Realize I did not lie you will."

Then the room went silent. Rey meditated and tried desperately to find a way to solve her confusion. Right when she was ready to give up she opened her eyes and looked at the objects again.

She knew it. She knew it all.

Rey grabbed the objects and stuck them together, used screwdrivers and the force like she hadn't been done anything else in her life. At last she gently put in the kyber crystal and the last metal piece into the saber.

When Leia returned her eyes widened. Rey held the most complicated lightsaber in her hands Leia had ever seen.

"I-I don't know how I did that. I j-just did",Rey stumbled.

Leia smiled. The Jedi amazed her every time a little more.

"Extend it."

Rey pushed the button at one side of the saber and lit the whole room in bright white light.

The blade was white.

Hey out there!
It's me, the author. I hope you like this story so far. Do you have critics or ideas how to improve this story? Feel free to leave a comment!

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