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Her consciousness clouded, Rey opened her eyes to a dark room.  She was captured in a cell and the lights were turned off, the remaining darkness engulfing her body and mind.


It stayed silent.

"Is there someone? Where am I?"

It was too silent.

"Ben? Please, are you there?"

Footsteps on the heavy floor. Suddenly, a red light shimmered in a corner of the room.

"Enough light for you?"

Rey breathed out. It was Ren, like she suspected. He was wearing his mask, and his voice changer made him sound inhuman.

"Did you really think you just could just take a new kyber crystal? The lightsaber is broken beyond repair. Where is it?"

Rey stayed quiet.

No word about BB7.

"I lost it in the snow. An animal attacked me. I had to run away and I dropped it."

Rey looked to the ground. She hated to lie.

"I don't think this is the truth, Rey."
Ren stopped for a moment.
"But I also know you won't tell me the truth."

The door opened. A few guards entered the room. They were protected by red armor, the same kind as Snoke's guards had been wearing when Ben and she fought them.

"Again? I defeated those guards before, why should they stop me this time?", Rey said, earning back her confidence.

Kylo, who was on his way to leave again, immediately stopped. He turned around and Rey could feel his eyes staring right into hers.

"This time I won't help you."

The door closed. Ren was gone.

She felt her heart sink. She was stuck in this cell again, guarded by red soldiers. She put her head in her hands. This was it, there was no escape. BB7 was Rey's only hope.


A couple of soldiers accompanied Ren to his room. He entered it and closed the door behind himself.

Why Rey? Why she again? Couldn't we find someone else?

He took his mask off, showing his horrible scar. This was all Rey's fault. Again, only Rey's fault.

Ren knew there were ways to receive information out of people. Interrogating was the easiest way and the least painful way. That would notbe effective with Rey.
Then, he could easily threaten close people or family. Most of the times this way works. The subjects speak up fast if their loved ones are in danger.
Rey had no family. And all her close friends were out of reach.

And there was the third way. Torture.

Ren started to feel a strong headache.

Admit it. You don't want to hurt her.

"Shut up", Ren mumbled.

"But I didn't even say anything?!"

Hux walked up to Ren and looked into his face.

"I am not as stupid as I seem, Ren."

"Oh, aren't you? No, you definitely are."
Ren looked down on Hux.

"I was wondering how an idiot like you could come so far in the First Order. Mystery yet unsolved."

Hux didn't react to this insult. He just smiled.

"She is making you weak. Snoke knew it. And I know it, too."

Kylo swirled around and gripped Hux' throat with the force. His feet were levitating over the ground and he was unable to free himself from Kylo's grip.

"You don't know anything!", Ren shouted. Hux nodded, fear running through his veins, and Ren dropped him to hit the floor. Hux laid on the ground, croaking.

"Long live the great Supreme Leader."

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