The Victor

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Hazel's POV
    She did it. Our Katniss is coming home to twelve! All I can think about is how relieved I am that she survived for Gale.
     Since Katniss left for the capital, Gale barely ate, slept, or did much of anything except sit in front of the small TV our family has. There were times I worried what would happen to our family if something happened to Katniss. Gale would've shut down and maybe even killed himself. There wouldn't be anyone left to feed my children. When those thoughts came creeping in, I felt selfish. What about her mother and sister? They must have been so worried they'd lose the rock of their family while I was worried about who would provide for me!
     But it's true- without Katniss, Gale would be nothing. He'd be broken beyond repair.

Ok so that was a lousy start but I wanted to provide some background info from a different POV before I got too into the story itself. I promise it will get better!!

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