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Gale's POV
Katniss and I are once again on the train and in our favorite car made up entirely of windows. We were sitting on one of the couches together, watching the trees go by when she fell asleep with her head in my lap. I love just being able to hold her while she sleeps. She's not tense or worried, she's not having flashbacks of the arena or thinking the capital is following her every move. She's peaceful, like the old Katniss was, and I love it. Watching the trees go by as we travel across the country makes me miss the woods back in district 12. It's been hard being away for so long, but I was happy to have some time off with Katniss alone.
While we were in the Capital, I snuck off to look at rings in some jewelry stores. I saw a lot that I thought were nice, but they were all too fancy for Katniss's taste. She likes things simple, not showy and bright. Before the games and before our new found wealth, I had made a base of a ring, out of my snare wire, that I brought with me to the capital knowing I'd be looking for an engagement ring for Katniss. I ended up getting a nice diamond set in the wire base I had made and had it smoothed out a bit. It looks pretty nice but is still simple enough for her to like. I just have to figure out when the right time is to propose to her. I know she's not ready now, we're both so young, but I'm hoping in a year or two she will be. I just knew this might be my only opportunity to get a ring in the capital, or to even go to the capital.
Over an intercom, I hear a voice say that we'll be arriving in district 12 in an hour. Slowly, I scoop Katniss up and carry her to her room where her prep team is waiting to fix her make up before getting off the train. I set her on the bed and slowly try to wake her, she just groans and tries to go back to sleep. Octavia and Flavius take over and have her up and in the beauty chair in a matter of minutes. Swarming around her, they get her hair and make up done pretty quickly. I head out to get "fixed up" myself before getting off the train.

Short chapter! Sorry 😬. I'm being forced
to go to band camp so I'll be at the University of Georgia til Thursday✌🏻 Maybe I can update while I'm there, but no promises. My summer is crazy so updates may be slow!

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