Second Thoughts

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Gale's POV
   Once again, I'm wondering how to propose to Katniss. It's always on my mind, especially when I'm at work without her. Today, I'm putting up a new fence around the school playground and I can't seem to focus on anything but marrying Katniss. Thoughts about finally moving into the house Rory built for us and our future life in the place we're happiest consume me. It's just that I can't think of the best time and place to do it. I've considered proposing on Rory's victory tour like he suggested, but I know Katniss would prefer it to be done in a more private, intimate setting. I however think it would be sweet to have the moment recorded in the capital so I can have it saved forever. It's not about me though, it's about her so I've pretty much let that idea go. The sooner I do it, the sooner we can really start our life together. I know we've technically been with each other since I was fourteen and began formally dating a year ago, but I want it to be official. I want her to be mine and me to be hers.
       I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the school bell ringing and children pouring out of it. Vick comes running over to me, Prim however is a bit behind with Posy in tow. I don't know what I'd do without those Everdeen girls. Posy just started kindergarten this year and was terrified to go. Prim helps her tremendously walking her to class every morning and going to get her every afternoon. She takes such good care of her and it reminds me of the way Katniss took care of her. This only makes me love Katniss even more and want marry her and have a family with her even more.
        Once Prim and Posy meet us, I take Posy's little hand and together the four of us walk back to the Victors' Village. The three of them babble on about their days, while I only half pay attention. Katniss is still the only thing I can think of. After what seems like forever, we make it to my family's house where our mothers and Katniss have been preparing dinner. Anxious to see Katniss, I hustle Posy and Vick in when Prim grabs me by the arm. "Katniss thinks you don't love her anymore," Prim spits out suddenly. "Please don't tell her I told you that!" She adds quickly looking down at her shoes before turning to go inside. This time I catch her arm, "What? That's ridiculous she's the only thing I can think about and trying to figure out the best way to propose to her has consumed me for months." She lets out a relieved sigh, "She thought you had second thoughts about marrying her because you hadn't proposed yet." I'm so stupid, I never thought she'd take it that way! I didn't think she minded but all along she's been feeling neglected, "I love your sister so much and I just want to make it perfect for her. That's why I've been taking my time." Prim doesn't respond at first but then hugs me and says, "I can't wait to have you as a brother!"

Ok so First of all, I'm so sorry for not posting since July. Senior year hit me like a bus. Second I really appreciate all of the kind comments and support! I'm so glad there are people out there that like my writing! I didn't realize people were actually reading this. Third, I just got on watt pad for the first time in like a month and saw all of the wonderful comments so this tidbit of a chapter is for y'all. I'm sorry it's short and unedited but I thought I'd give y'all something!

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