The Games pt. 2

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Gale's POV
       Rory has been in the arena for 6 days now and the only deaths since the first day have been the girl from 2 and the two non-careers that were hanging out in the career pack. So it's down to 5 tributes- Rory, and the four careers. Being from district 12, they didn't pay him much attention and I doubt they even know he's alive, so he's in pretty good shape until it's down to the final career.
Katniss goes to the lounge with the other mentors during the day, but comes back at night to be with me. Haymitch takes over for her at night so there's always someone at the lounge to talk to sponsors and represent the district. She's taking it all well for this being her first year mentoring, especially since it's Rory she's mentoring.
    I have to admit, I've done better than I thought I would with my little brother in the arena. Since he told me he was going to win to support our family, I've been a lot less worried. I know that if he says he's going to win, he will. That all being said, I still don't sleep too well at night. Katniss and I have a TV in our room so we leave it on all night so we can hear if a cannon goes off or if any fights happen. She sleeps better than I do. Every now and then I wake up panicked, sure that Rory had been killed. Thankfully Katniss is always there to soothe me, rubbing my back, kissing me, or just holding me while I shake with terror. Once she even had to call Haymitch to ask if Rory was still alive for me. I hate that she has to deal with me in this state, but I know that she understands.
She's so good to me, and my family. She's always helping my mom in someway, or taking care of my siblings. Posy absolutely adores her, we all do. However, I don't think anyone loves her as much as I do. Katniss is almost always on my mind. Even when I'm with her, I can't help but think about our future. Speaking of which, I can't wait for Rory to end these Games so I can propose to Katniss. I can't wait to officially call her mine, even though she's in my arms right now. I just want to spend every moment of the rest of my life like this with her tangled up in my arms as she is right now . She's asleep in my arms with her head on my chest, her breath tickling my neck, and her legs wrapped around one of mine.
I'm finally drifting off to sleep when I hear the boom of a cannon. Both Katniss and I snap awake to see the face of one of the careers flash in the night sky of the arena. "Looks like the fight between the careers has finally begun," she says untangling us and getting out of the bed, "I better get back to the lounge with the other mentors. Wanna come? You could be my date." I aught to go, just to be with her when it all goes down. I pull myself out of bed and go to the closet where she's already getting dressed, "Sure" I tell her, kissing her forehead before slipping a shirt on and pulling on some jeans.
BOOM. Another cannon. I quickly run out to the room to see that a second career has died. Now we're down to three careers left. BOOM. Now two. "Hey Katniss, we better stay put to watch this thing end. I think we'll miss the ending if we try to drive over now. Suddenly, the cameras on on Rory. He's carefully climbing through the treetops in the direction of the careers. I know already know his plan just by watching him, I just hope it'll work.
After about ten minutes of silently moving through the trees, he's within shooting distance of the last two. It's two boys fighting it out. They both look older than they actually are because they're careers and are super muscular. I'm still not worried about Rory, he's got a plan, and it's a good one. "They think they're the last two, they don't know he's still alive," Katniss says, just now figuring out his plan. She climbs up onto the bed and clutches my arm, clearly nervous. The fighting between the boys is growing slower as they tire. One has to give our eventually and I pray Rory can keep his cover long enough for that to happen.
At last, the cannon booms and the career falls to the ground. But before the other can celebrate, an arrow hits him right in the heart. Shock and confusion is evident on his face as he too falls to the ground with the final cannon booming.


Hey y'all. Sorry I'm so slow. Thanks for reading though! Also ik Rory winning was so predictable but like I couldn't live with myself if I had to kill him.

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