The Capital

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Gale's POV
   After our stop in district 11, the tour was relatively uneventful. Katniss has done better than I ever expected. I thought she'd break down with flashbacks but she only got emotional in 11. She was allies with Rue, a twelve year old from 11. She was too young to die and reminded all of us of Prim. Anyway, the girl who presented Katniss with flowers was Rue's sister. That hit Katniss hard, having a little sister of her own. It only took her a couple days to recover though.
     Now, we're on the way to the capital. Katniss  gave her speech in 1 yesterday. We're sitting in the last car of the train, the one made entirely of glass. Katniss is laying with her head in my lap, staring out the window while I stroke her hair. Suddenly she sits upright, "Prim's Birthday is in two weeks! I need to get her a present!" "Maybe we can find her something in the capital. We'll be there for nearly a week," I suggest. "Yeah, that's be nice," she says absentmindedly, laying back down.
     Truthfully, I was planning on shopping in the capital anyway. I want to eventually ask Katniss to marry me and I'll need a ring. I know she wants to wait until we're older but this may be the only opportunity I have to shop in a good store. I also want to get a little something for each of my siblings. Maybe a nice outfit for each of my brothers, and a doll for Posy? I don't know, but I'll come up with something. I brought my life savings with me hoping to find just the right ring for Katniss.
   I've had this idea though. Since our relationship has been based on our hunting partnership up until recently, I thought it might be cool to use some snare wire to make the ring itself and have someone in the Capital fit a nice diamond into it. I know she'd never want some flashy capital ring, but now that she's famous, it's probably what's expected.
     "You know Cesar will want to interview you," Katniss says, looking up at me and breaking the silence. "Why me? I'm just a useless miner from 12. They probably think you deserve something better than that," I snort.
"Yeah but after the kiss in the train station, they'll want to hear from you. They'll want to know how you felt when Peeta professed his love for me or when I kissed him in the arena. All I'm saying is to be prepared," she says raising her eyebrows at me. "I'll come up with something, don't worry," I laugh as I lean down to kiss her. 
   About half way down to Katniss, I hear a loud horn and suddenly sit back up. We must be at the capital. Katniss sits up and stretches before taking my hand and leading me back to our room to freshen up before getting off the train.

Short chaptersorry! I'll try to update tomorrow too.

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