The Tour Begins

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Gale's POV
Katniss and I gather up all of our things we're taking on the tour and head to the train station with our families. Prim is pitching a fit, begging Katniss not to leave. I don't blame her, she already lost her sister to the capital once. From where I am saying good bye to my siblings, I can see Katniss comforting Prim. She's going to be the best mother one day.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my mother calling my name. Reluctantly putting Posy down, I walk over to see what she wants.
"I trust that there will not be anything going on during this tour. I know you already share a room but I just don't want you getting any ideas while you're away from me and Ms. Everdeen. There are consequences you know for doing such things," she whispers in a serious tone to me. "Yes Mom I know," I say blushing slightly. "Have a great time dear," she says pulling me into a hug.
When the train arrives, a swarm of capital workers come out to collect our things, followed by a slightly flustered Effie. "We're already 15 minutes behind schedule!" She shouts hurrying us on board.

Katniss's POV
This train is just like the one Peeta and I rode on to the games. It brings back bad memories but I have Gale with me now and I'll be okay.
Effie ushers is over to the table in the center of the drain car. We sit and listen while she goes over my schedule for the next few weeks. We already had the speech and party in 12, so from there we go to all of the other districts beginning in 11 and ending in the capital. Apparently I have to give a short speech at each stop. Thankfully, Effie has done all of the prep work and written them all for me. All I have to do is read off of the cards.
Dinner is served shortly after Effie finishes her lecture about punctuality and it's importance. This is one of the reasons I wanted Gale to come so much- the food is so good. We are by no means starving now, but our meals are still modest in comparison to the capital's feasts. The servers bring course after course, leaving both Gale and I stuffed.
Effie excuses herself telling us that tomorrow is just a travel day and that she wouldn't be back to bother us. She and my stylists are all staying in a separate section of the train, several cars away but she wanted to have dinner with us tonight to make sure we knew the schedule. The victor and their guests get the end of the train to themselves.
Gale and I retreat to the our bedroom to get changed and go to bed. It's a good sized room on the last car with a big bed and a bathroom attached.
"I saw you got the speech too," I say, slightly smirking. "Oh yeah that," Gale says laughing, "They just want to protect us. But it was so awkward." I laugh at the sight him blushing with embarrassment at the thought of his mother lecturing him about that.
"Well, now that they're gone..." he says grabbing me and pulling me so close that he rests his forehead on mine, "We can finally have a proper make out session without Posy walking in." With that he leans in and kisses me before laying both of us down on the bed.

Sorry y'all I haven't updated in forever!! School has been killing me and now I'm finally on spring break so maybe I'll be able to update again this week! If you have any ideas for this story, feel free to message me or comment below!

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