We're Alright

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Katniss's POV
    I wake up to a pounding headache and I'm not sure where I am. I'm not in my bed at home and I can tell I'm not alone. I try to sit up when Gale gently pushes me back down. "You're burning up with a fever and you need to rest," he says. I'm really confused. I don't remember getting here or him coming with me but I'm too sick and tired to question it. Gale seems to pick up on it and begins explaining, "Last night when I got home from work, Rory said you ran off into the woods to avoid me. He and Prim told me some stuff but please don't be mad at them for telling me. They seem to think that you feel like I don't love you anymore and that's not the case. They said that's why you didn't want to see me and ran off. I knew I had to come clear it up so I chased you into the woods but it started pouring and I lost track of you. When I finally found you in here, you were soaking wet and shivering. I'm sorry that I changed you without your permission but you were starting to run a fever and I didn't want you to get worse by staying so wet. It's all my fault that we're here and now your sick from the cold and rain and I'm so sorry. I love you Katniss. I love you with all my heart and I've been picking up extra hours at work to save up for our wedding. I'm not trying to avoid you. In fact, missing our mornings together is killing me but I thought once I had saved up enough money and we got married I could make the time up to you but now we're here and you're sick and it's all my fault I'm so sorry Katniss. I-" I cut him off by taking his hand and saying, "Gale it's okay. It's not your fault I'm sick. I've had a mild cold for the last couple days. I was so worried! I thought you'd moved on and were planning on breaking up with me. I love you Gale and knowing you were doing all of the extra work for me makes me love you even more. You take such good care of me and I could never be upset with you for doing all of that. I'm just so relieved that you don't hate me!" I say fighting back my tears. He lays back down next to me on the ground and wraps me up in his strong arms. "I've missed this," he says kissing my forehead, "I've missed getting to just hold you like this. I hate that we're out here and it's so cold and you're sick but these past few hours with you in my arms were much needed. I can't wait to get to go to sleep with you every night and wake up like this every morning." I smile and shift in his arms so that I'm facing him and bury my head in his chest, "Me too, ever since your family moved next door, I've missed nights with you. I don't sleep as well by myself. More than anything, I missed you. I missed our morning walks and goodnight kisses. I missed our after dinner talks and just feeling like we had a future. Like you said, even though it's cold and wet and we're kind of stuck here until it stops raining so hard, I'm glad we're alright."

Sorry y'all. I suck at updating but here's a short one for all of you that have stuck with me this long. I have lots of ideas but no time whatsoever to write. I'll try to get at least one more done before I leave for college in August.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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