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Prim's POV
     I wake to the sound of Katniss's screams. She's shaking all over and sobbing. I pull her into a hug and try to comfort her. I tell her it's okay now, she's home with us and she's safe now, no one's going to kill her. Nothing works, she continues shaking and I call for our mother. "Gale," she says when she enters, "Prim get Gale. I'll stay with Katniss."
     I jump up and hurry out of the house putting my coat on as I run through the seam. The Hawthornes don't live that far away, but tonight it feels like it's taking me forever to get there. I run up the steps and start calling for Hazel. "Prim what's wrong?" She says as she comes running. "Katniss," I pant, "we need Gale." She hurries back into the house and seconds later Gale comes out of the house and takes off towards mine without even asking what happened. I run after him, unable to keep up.

Gale's POV
      As soon as my mother woke me up and told me that Katniss needed me, I'm running to her. The cold night air burns my lungs but I push harder and run faster. I finally see their small home on the edge of the seam and I can see light coming from katniss's bedroom window.
      I don't knock, I just run straight in and back to her small bedroom where I find katniss and her mother. She's shaking uncontrollably. I climb up into her bed and pull her into my arms. I hold her tight and rock back and forth whispering into her ear. Mrs. Everdeen comes over to where I'm sitting and says, "Prim will stay with me tonight, you can stay in here with Katniss." "Thanks," I say without looking up from Katniss. She shuts the door quietly behind her as she silently guides Prim from the room.
     Katniss looks up at me with her beautiful grey eyes filled with tears and says, "Thank you for coming. The nightmares are unbearable." I don't say anything back, instead I pull her into a long kiss. Finally we break apart and I tell her, "You're safe with me."
      I lay us down on the bed, and pull her head onto my chest, my arms still tightly wrapped around her. I'm drifting of to sleep when I hear her whisper, "I love you," as sleep takes over my body.

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