The Tour

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Katniss's POV
Slowly, Gale begins to get better and the stitches come out of his side. He is able to walk and hunt again, but he's still not ready to go back to the hard work of the mines.
I'm trying to convince him to get a different job. He could help the butcher, become a carpenter for the few rich people we have in the district, make deliveries for the train, anything but go back to the mines. I think he's a good teacher. He's kind, gentle, and good with kids from the years of helping his mother with his siblings. He'd have to go to the capital for training, but it'd only be for a couple of weeks.
    I'm afraid he'll go back to work as soon as I leave for the victory tour in a few weeks. Every year, it's customary for the winner of the Hunger Games to go on a tour of all twelve districts and the capital, giving a short eulogy to the dead tributes from each district. This year, I have to do it since I'm the victor. I don't want to go back and I don't want to remember the games. Mostly, I don't want to leave Gale.
   Since he's been out of the mines, we've gotten used to doing everything together. I don't know what I'll do without him for a solid month. No morning walks in the woods, no good morning kisses or long afternoon naps. Maybe he'd want to go with me.

Gale's POV
     Lately, I've been considering asking Katniss to marry me. I love her so much and want to make sure she's mine forever. The only problem is our families. If I were to get married now and move out, who would support my mother and siblings? I at least have to wait until Rory is older, I can't abandon them now.
       I just wish I could get sometime with just Katniss. We spend a lot of time together, but we're never alone. We're either helping our mothers or playing with the little ones. Posy clings to us like we're her parents. I love her and it's sweet how much she loves me and has adopted Katniss, but she's hanging on one of us all the time. I wish I could take Katniss somewhere, even if it were just a few days, where we could just be together without the family.
    Her victory tour is coming up and I know she'll be gone nearly a month. I don't know what I'm going to do. I know I won't get any sleep. At night, We hold each other close, keeping away the nightmares and I don't know how I'll manage with out holding her every night. I'll wake up to an empty side of the bed, walk home from the mines alone- that is if I go back-, and hunt alone.
    My train of thought is broken when I hear leaves crunching behind me. I turn around to see Katniss holding up a decent sized turkey for this time of year. "You finish emptying the snares?" she asks, tossing the turkey in the bag. "Just two more to go," I answer pulling her into a hug. She giggles and looks up at me "what's this for?" "I just love you so much and I can't believe I'm going to have to spend a month without you." I say burying my face in her hair. "I've been thinking," she says, obviously choosing her words carefully, "maybe you could come with me. I mean like just you, not the rest of our families. I am permitted a guest you know." "Really?" I ask taken aback by this offer. "Of course! You know I wouldn't last a day without you!" She laughs. "I'd love to! We need some alone time," I tell her pulling her into a kiss. She deepens the kiss grabbing me by my shirt and begins licking my lower lip, begging for entrance. I pull back and wink at her, "Oh you just wait." I say before scooping her up and carrying my laughing Catnip all the way to our house in the village.

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