Moving Day

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Katniss's POV
     I wake with a start, feeling arms around me that don't belong to my little sister, but then I realize it's Gale. "Morning Catnip," Gale says and I roll over to face him. He gives me a peck on the lips before sitting up and swinging his legs out of bed. I watch as he stands up and stretches. He's so muscular I can see all of them tighten on his back through his t-shirt. He turns around to face me and I quickly look away. "Ready to hunt?" He asks pulling in his hunting jacket. I nod and get up myself.
      Soon we're out of the house and making our way through the meadow. I finally find my voice and say, "Thank you for coming last night. You don't know how much it helped having you with me." He stops walking and turns to face me. "That was the first real nights' sleep I've gotten since you left for the games," he says looking straight into my eyes. I can tell he's serious. I didn't know that my time in the games was this hard for him. I had no idea that it worried him that much. "Oh Gale," I say a tear slipping down my cheek, "I had no idea." "The worst of it was watching you kiss him. It ripped me to pieces. I believed it too. I've loved you for years now, three to be exact. I thought I was going to loose you, to him," he admits this wiping my tears away with his thumb.
     We don't make it to the woods today. We just lay in the meadow and hold each other close, watching the clouds in the sky. Finally, he breaks the silence, "We'd better get going. You're moving into your new home in the village today, remember?" I do. I just don't want to think about it. "I don't know what I'll do being so far away from you," I say looking down at our feet as we slowly start walking back home. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close. "We'll figure it out. We always do," he says not meeting my eyes.
      When we get back to the house, Effie is already there along with a troop of capital workers moving what little we have out of our house and into a large truck. Mostly it's just clothes and old family pieces that we're bringing with us as the new house will be fully furnished. My mother and Prim do a sweep of the house to make sure we got everything important while I walk Gale to the mines.
     He's done with school and his only real option for a job is to work in the mines, but I hate the thought of him going there. It's where our fathers died and I don't know what I'd do if he did too. The whole way there, I beg and plead with him to let me take care of our families with my winnings or at least pay for him to go to a school where he could learn to be a doctor or a teacher, anything but a miner. He's too stubborn. He kisses me before getting on the elevator and disappearing into the mines. I turn and begin making my way to the victor's village, where I'll live with my mother and Prim.
      The house is massive compared to our small home in the seam. For the first time in our lives, Prim and I have our own rooms. When I get there, Prim is already picking out colors for her new room and wallpaper, some weird capital thing that most in twelve couldn't afford. I explore the new house a bit before wandering into the bathroom for a shower, something I came to enjoy during my time in the capital and on the train. To my surprise, we have hot water! I get out and throw on something comfortable and braid my hair before going to take a nap in my new room.

Sorry for not updating for so long. I don't think anybody was actually reading this so I kind of gave up. I logged back on today and realized people have been reading this. So THANK YOU for the reads! I really appreciate them!!

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