The Announcement

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Katniss's POV
    It's been about a month since Gale and I have been back home and nearly spring. The snow has melted and its beginning to get warm. Gale was planning on going back to the mines after we got back, but I wouldn't let him. It's just too dangerous and I can't loose him. I've told him time and time again that he doesn't need to work, that I have more money than we could ever spend, but he wants to work. Recently, he's been working at the Middle school where Rory and Prim now go, they just moved up this year. He does odd jobs like fixing fences and cleaning up after events. He doesn't make much, but it's enough to make him feel like he's contributing. Of course, we still hunt and sell the game in the hob. That's our main source of income other than my monthly check from the capital.
    Talk about the next games has already begun since it will be the quarter quell. I know I'll probably mentor. Haymitch said I didn't have to, that he'd do it all, but I want to give these kids a fighting chance. I want them to know what they're getting into before they get into the arena. Plus, I have the means to sponsor them, to make whatever time they have left easier once they get into the arena. The reaping is supposed to be in late June, so it's a little more than two months away, but I've heard that they announce the Quell information early. We may even find out on the capital report tonight.
    It's only then when I realize that I'm biting my nails with nervousness as I stand outside of the elementary school, waiting to pick up Vick and Posy. I momentarily calm myself as not to worry them by my state when they see me. Hazelle has been taking on more cleaning jobs lately in an effort to buy a house in town near the victor's village, so I've volunteered to help take care of the little ones. I have nothing to do now that I'm a victor, so I'm more than happy to help out wherever I can. Soon, I see Posy running across the school yard to meet me, Vick trailing close behind carrying both of their school bags. I scoop up Posy in my arms and ruffle Vick's hair and together we head back to our home in the village. Posy chatters away while I carry her home, Vick on the other hand looks more serious than usually, and a little pale. I pull him in with my free arm and walk the rest of the way home with my one arm around him and Posy in my other. I can tell something's not right, but now's not the time to question him.
As we walk in the door, I set Posy down and she runs into the kitchen where our mothers are preparing dinner. "Katniss, can I uh talk to you?" Vick asks, startling me. "Of course bud," I say and step out into the porch with him, "What's up?" He looks around and then says, "They're announcing the Quell tonight, but I already know what it is. They're adding 11 year olds to the mix this year and are only selecting children 11 to 13. Rory, Prim, and I all fall in that category. I guess I'm just worried. I don't want any of us to get picked," He says with tears silently rolling down his cheeks. "Oh honey!" I say pulling him into a tight hug before asking, "How did you find out?" "The mayor's son knows, he's in my grade and he overheard it." "He may just be messing with you. We don't know until they make the announcement for sure, but I promise everything will be okay," I say, trying to keep my voice even and reassuring, even though I'm panicking on the inside.
As we turn to go inside, Prim and Rory run up to us. Prim is in tears and pulls me into a hug as soon as she reaches me. "Is it true?" She asks. "I don't know," I answer honestly looking around at there three sad faces. Gales walks up behind them, with the same worried expression. "Why don't y'all go in and get some dinner, even if this is true, we won't find out until later so there's no use in worrying until it's for sure," I tell the three of them as I shoo them inside. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't volunteer to protect them this year. What'll happen?" Gale asks me, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "First of all, you're going to pull yourself together. You're going to go in there and be strong for them. You're going to be their rock. You won't cry but you will comfort them. You'll tell them it'll all be okay and it will work out in the end. Do you hear me?" I say a little harsher than I intended, but it got his attention. He nods. "Good. Now let's go in." I give him a quick peck on the cheek before I guide him in too.
Dinner was quiet, no one wanted to tell either of our mothers or Posy. We didn't want to worry anyone. Gale on the other hand was trying to make light and pleasant conversation. I was proud that he was stepping up. I know he has it in him, he's always been the rock for everyone, but I'm afraid that rock has started to crumble after all these years. Once everyone had finished. Gale and I offered to clear the table and let the others rest. I think we both need a break from the tension of the Quell. We've mostly finished when Gale pulls me into a long slow kiss, running a hand through my hair. "I needed to hear that from you today," he says quietly, still playing  in my hair. "I'm glad I could help you," I say, giving him another slow kiss, "We need to go be with the others, the capital report should be on any minute."
We just made it into the living room when my mom turns the tv on. Gale and I decide silently that it's best to sit with our siblings tonight, they need us the most right now. I go over and sit next to Prim, and she immediately rests her head on my shoulder. My mother takes her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze to reassure her, but Prim still looks anxious. Caesar Flickerman comes on the screen after President Snow finishes with his usual updates on the country. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will be announcing the format of this year's Quarter Quell!" All of is draw in a breath and hold each other a little tighter. Caesar continues with excitement, " This year, for the 75th Hunger Games, our third Quarter Quell, we will only reaping from children 11 to 13. Yes! You heard me! We will be lowering the age for this year only, but it will only go up to 13! I can't wait to meet the tributes in June. May the odds be ever in your favor!" He ends the program there and I quickly turn off the TV. Suddenly, the room is engulfed in wails and sobs.

Sorry y'all. I haven't updated in a while. Camp was hell and I had no time to update. Also, on a happier note.... WE HAVE REACHED 800 READERS!! Thank you for reading this crappy fanfic and I love each and everyone one of you!!

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