One Day

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Katniss's POV
     I wake up to Gale running his fingers through my my hair and smile remembering we don't have to do anything today. I look up and kiss him. Apparently he hadn't realized I was awake and  startled a bit with the kiss  he laughed kissing me back and says, "I didn't mean to wake you, I just love your hair." "You didn't," I say, nuzzling my head back into his chest. I could stay like this all day but I hear his stomach rumble and remember we need to be at breakfast. I reluctantly pull myself up and begin getting ready, Gale follows pulling clothes out from his bag.
Breakfast is a big deal for capital people, so our breakfast on the train was nothing short of a feast. Gale, who has never experienced the fine dining of the capital citizens, was in pure shock. Trays of fruit, pancakes, assorted meats and pastries form a line down the center of the table. As soon as we sit down, capitol servers begin pouring us juice, coffee, and my favorite, hot chocolate! We eat for what seems like hours, laughing as workers bring out plate after plate of new foods to us.
Stuffed, we retire to the last car of the train. It has glass ceilings and walls so passengers can view the scenery. On my way home from the games, I spent most of my time here. I lead Gale over to a couch and together we sit, watching the trees go by when he finally speaks up. "Katniss, would you ever consider marriage? I mean I'm not trying to rush you but you know one day, do you ever think you'll ever get married?" I'm taken off guard by this question. We've discussed it before, in the woods. We've talked about everything running away, marriage, children, anything. But this time, I can tell he's serious. "Yes," I say tentatively, "That is if the right person asked." I add, planting a kiss on his lips. He smiles and pulls me back in for a deeper kiss. "My turn," I say pulling away. "Would you ever have kids and if so, how many would you want?" I ask. Truth is, the longer Gale and I have been together, the more I want with him. I want a house on the edge of the woods in the seam. I even want children. It was something I said I'd never do. I didn't want to bring children into a world so dark, where I wouldn't even be able to guarantee that it wouldn't starve. Now, I have money and won't ever have to worry about providing for a family.

Gale's POV
  I smile at her answer and pull her back in for a deeper kiss. "My turn," She says pulling away. "Would you ever have kids and if so, how many would you want?" She asks. God I feel like this is a trick question. For years now, she's been saying she didn't want kids. I feel like if I say yes now, it'll scare her away from marrying me or she'll feel pressured into having kids for me. But I do, I do want children. I'd want a few honestly. At least one boy and one girl. I really want a little girl, she'd look just like Catnip. I finally decide on telling her the truth, "Yes. I do want kids one day. But if the person I love doesn't, I would be able to live without them."
She looks up at me and meets my eyes, "I've been wanting to tell you that I've changed my mind. I would be open to having kids. I mean not now, but when we're—I mean I'm older. I'm only just 17 and Prim is still little, I need to be there for her." I can tell by her eyes she's serious. She's not lying to make me happy. Knowing that one day, I'll be able to marry my best friend and have a family with her means so much and makes me so happy. I lean down and pull her into a tight hug. "You don't know how much that means to me," I say taking her face in my hands and kissing her gently.  "I heard you correct yourself, 'when we're older' and I fully intend on being with you the rest of my life so yeah it is when we're older," I say. She laughs, trying to hide her blush by looking out the window. God I love Katniss so much. I just need to find out how to propose to her...

To everyone who has stuck with me this long- thank you! You are the best! I started this fanfic for fun hoping to get a few readers here and there but now I'm at 250 and I'm so grateful! Sorry I'm such an unreliable updated!

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