District 11

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Katniss's POV
"It's going to be a big big day!" Effie says excitedly bustling into Gale and I'd room. I groan and roll over in Gale's arms as she opens up the curtains, letting in a thin stream of bright light.
Soon enough, my prep team comes in and practically drag me out of bed. Since I've been back in twelve, I've let most of the capital beauty standards go. My eyebrows haven't been plucked and my hair hasn't been trimmed since I left the games. They're all hurrying around me worrying over all the little details that don't even matter.
After what seems like hours, they finally step back and examine their work. Apparently I'm up to standard because they leave me alone in the bathroom to wait for Cinna.
"Katniss! It's so nice to see you!" He says, embracing me. He's another one I haven't seen since the games. "And you," I say trying to use my capital manners. "So today I decided to dress you in a dark grey dress. I know Rue was your ally and I want to show you mourned her death. Grey also brings out your eyes" he adds pulling out a long bag from the closet.
The dress is nice enough and comes down to about my knees. While I love all of his designs, I don't like this one as much as I loved my interview dress from before the games. However, this one is absolutely perfect for the occasion.
After Cinna is done, I walk out to the main car to meet with Effie about my speech. She's written speeches for every district and a special one for the party in the capital. I have to admit, I'm kind of nervous about giving them. I'm not one for speaking in front of people. I just hope the ones Effie has written don't sound to flowery. After all, I'm supposed to be giving a eulogy to the districts dead tributes.
Gale comes out about the same time I do. Turns out, Effie scheduled Peeta's old prep team and stylist to come for Gale. He looks so nice. Portia has him dressed in a button down and blazer. "How do I look?" He asks jokingly, doing a full spin. "Wonderful" I laugh, pulling him in for a kiss. "These capital people are nuts," he says laughing, "I'm nearly 19. I think I can dress myself."
Effie comes into the car, handing me the cards for my speech and letting everyone who passes her know that we'll be arriving in 15 minutes. While Gale laughs at all of the capital craziness, I try to read over my cards and memorize what's on them so I don't have to check them constantly. "You'll do fine," Gale says, noticing my anxiety, "I'll be backstage with Effie and Haymitch the whole time and after that, we can go to dinner," he adds, knowing how motivated I am by food.
Finally, we arrive in the district 11 train station. Gale and I are ushered off the train and into a large car with blacked out windows. On the way to the justice building, we see fields and fields of people tending to crops. Women and children are among the workers too.
When we reach the justice building, Gale hops out of the car and takes my hand helping out of it like a gentleman. "I got etiquette lessons too you know," he says, offering me his arm. I roll my eyes and slip my arm through his. The building is huge, at least twice the size of ours in district 12. Some peacekeepers escort us through a back door that leads out onto the stage. Effie, Haymitch, and Gale gather around the small monitor that shows what's happening on the stage outside.
Before I know it, I'm being ushered out onto the stage. I pull out my cards and slowly make my way through the speech, trying not to stumble over my words. The parts about Rue almost bring tears to my eyes. She was so young and so innocent. Way to young to die. I push those thoughts out of head and push through to the end of the speech. When I'm finally finished, two young girls present me with flowers. One looks just like Rue.
Then it hits me, this is her little sister. I gasp and take a step back. "Are you-" I begin but before I can finish, she nods, tears streaming down her face. All I can think about is Prim. This would be Prim if I had lost. She would've just been a little girl watching the survivor give a speech about a sister she'd lost.
Before the tears can come, thank them for the flowers and head off stage as quickly as possible. As soon as I see Gale, I run into his arms sobbing. "That was her sister," I manage to get out before completely losing it. Gale pulls be closer and strokes my hair as I cry into his chest. When I finally pull myself together, we head back to our car and go back to the station. I'm relieved to be able to wash off my makeup and put on pants before heading to the dining car for dinner.
When Gale and I get back to our room, we just lay in bed holding each other. We both know how messed up the capital is and how unfair the games are. I can tell Gale is starting to fall asleep because his breathing slows and he begins to relax his death grip on me. I too relax in his arms and fall asleep with my head in his chest.

Sorry for not updating for a while! Our state tests are going on now so I have time to update as I don't have homework. Summer is just 4 weeks away and I'll get to post more then!

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