The Train Station

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Katniss's pov
    As I get off the train at the station in twelve, I get caught up in a swarm of reporters and photographers. All of them want to take my picture or ask how I felt about Peeta's death or if I have someone special waiting for me. I don't want to talk to them but I do smile for a couple of pictures before spotting my family. Prim screams and runs into my arms. My mother walks over and pulls us both in. Even though I'm trying hard not to led the tears come, I feel the corners of my eyes moisten.  We just hold each other for a while, there in the middle of the train station.
     When we finally pull apart, I see Gale smiling from where he stands with his mom and siblings and I run to him. Every part of my body is screaming for his and his warmth. He wraps me up in one of those bear hugs and we both collapse onto the floor. We're both crying and holding each other so tight.
     All of the stress and worry I had been holding onto from the games, all the deaths, narrow escapes, and fights leave me as I sob into his shoulder. Eventually, I pull myself together and look up into his beautiful grey eyes and see that he's still crying.  I pull him back into a hug and tell him that it's all okay now. I am home and I'll be with him. I gently wipe the tears off his face and say, "I'm never I'm never leaving you again. I'm gonna stay right here with you forever." He lets out one final sob before taking my face in his hands and putting my forehead to his. He strokes my cheek with his thumb and finally says, "God I've missed you Catnip." Then, without thinking or caring that we're in a train station full of reporters, photographers, and our families, I kissed him.

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