The Reaping

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Gale's POV
Since we found out about the Quell, the whole house has been consumed in worry. Prim frequently breaks down into tears, and Vick doesn't joke around like he used to. I'm just waiting for it all to be over, after the reaping tomorrow morning. If one of our three gets reaped, I'm going to the Capital with Katniss. She's volunteered to be a mentor this year and I don't want her to have to go through that alone if she has to watch someone she lobes die in that arena.
Katniss comes over and slides into the bed beside me, laying her head on my chest. "It'll be okay. I love you," I say to her before sleep over takes me.

Katniss's POV
    When I wake up, it's still dark out, but I wake Gale up anyway. It's our tradition to go to the woods early the morning of the reaping. I gently kiss him on the cheek to wake him and I get up to find my clothes. This morning, it takes us a little longer than normal to get going, but once we're out of the house, we're fully awake and moving. Finally, we reach the fence and listen for the humming that means the fence is on. As usual, it's silent, so we slip through the wire and head to our rock.
    The stress of today has gotten to us, we're quieter than normal and can hardly crack jokes about Effie and her capital accent. But with Gale, there's no need for conversation, we can sit and enjoy each other's company without words. That's just the way we are. Slowly, the sun begins to rise and we have to get back to help our siblings get dressed.
    I've already packed for the Games since I've decided to mentor. Gales said he'd come with me if I wanted him too. I'd really like him to come, but I know he needs to stay with his family, they need him more than I do. I'll be alright, I have Haymitch to help me.
     ~time lapse~
  Since I don't have to go to the holding area, I walk with Prim to her check in. "Name," the lady asks when Prim steps up. "Primrose Everdeen," she says quietly. Silently, the lady flips through the list, searching for Prim. "You were reaped last year, so your name is officially out of the bowl. You are safe," she tells Prim with a small smile on her face. Prim turns and hugs me and we both cry tears of relief. My little duck is safe. She'll never have to go in that arena. She won't have to fight for her death. Even if the arena scarred me, I'm so glad I was able to save Prim from the worry of the reaping and the games. I take her hand and lead her over to where Gale and our mothers are standing. "She's safe," I tell them, "since she was reaped last year, she won't be reaped again. Her name's been taken out of the bowl." Our mother grabs Prim and holds her tight.
    Now that I know my family is okay, I go over to Gale and wrap an arm around him. "They'll be alright," I tell him. "They're so young," Gale chokes out. "I know," I say as I rub his back in an effort to soothe him.  I know deep down, nothing I do will help him. He's worried about his little brothers and I of all people know what that's like.
   "Welcome! Welcome!" Effie says gleefully into the small microphone. After that, it's all a blur. There's the capital video we watch every year, a speech from the mayor, and then the girl tribute is reaped. I don't know her, but she looks to be in pretty good shape for being brought up in 12. Before I can even blink, Effie has her hand swooping around the tiny slips of paper in the boys' bowl. "Vick Hawthorne." She says into the microphone a little too enthusiastically. Gale let's out some kind of choking noise and Hazelle let's out a sob. I quickly turn to see Prim pick up Posy and tell her everything's fine as she asks what's happening a million times.
    I feel frozen until I hear a familiar voice shout, "I volunteer as tribute."  It's Rory. I see him push pasts the crowds and make his way up to the stage. The whole thing reminds me of last year's reaping when I volunteered for Prim. "District 12's second volunteer! And two years in a row at that!" Effie says and gives the two tributes the signal to shake hands. Then, they all disappear into the Justice building.

Short chapter! I'm going to Portugal tomorrow so I probably won't be able to update until I get home next Tuesday! Once again, thank you for the reads and sweet comments! I'm so grateful for each and every one of y'all. Please keep the comments and votes coming!

PS: I'm usually in such a rush that I don't proofread these so sorry for grammar/ spelling issues and typos. I usually catch them a month after I've published the chapter😂😂

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