The next day

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Katniss's POV
     I wake up freezing, still sitting in the chair by Gale on the table. "Hey Catnip," I hear voice say startling me. "Gale?," I ask, not realizing he was already awake from the medicine he was given last night. "How are you feeling?" I ask beginning to get up to change the dressing on his cuts. "I'm alright," he says, but I know he's lying, " Sit back down Catnip, you don't need to be up taking care of me, you look like you've hardly slept." "I'm just glad you're alive," I say as I start to change some of the bandages on his smaller cuts.
    Prim and my mother come down to the kitchen a bit later to change the bandage on his gash. When they in wrap it, the wound is swollen and red around his stitches. "Looks like he's got a bit of an infection," my mother says, dousing the area with alcohol. Gale hisses in pain but doesn't try to get away this time. "Can we move him into the bed?" I ask Prim hoping to get out of this hard wooden chair. "I think so," she says as she goes to check with our mother.
   Soon enough, we've gotten Gale on his feet and I lead him up to our room. He's moving slowly and I can see every step hurts him, but he's doing a good job. Posy bounds down the stairs to see him grinning from ear to ear. I scoop her up in the arm I'm not using to support Gale and carry her back up with us.
      I get Gale comfortable in the bed, propping him up on tons of pillows, and set Posy in the bed next to him. "I'll be back later," I tell them and head back down to help my mother and Prim clean up the mess from last night.
    My mother informs me that nearly 50 men died in the accident last night and school is going to be out for a week because of it. It's nearly noon so I guess Hazel has already left for work. She cleans houses and does laundry for the mayor and his friends. "Where are the boys?" I ask Prim. "They went to help clean up the damage from the explosion. I hope they don't get into any trouble," she giggles.  I laugh to and pull her into a hug. "Hey, thank you for all of your help last night. You're really turning into a good little doctor," I tell her. Since the games, Prim has matured so much. She's no longer the scrawny, scared 12 year old she was last year before the reaping. She's now a young lady who cares for others and loves playing with little Posy and I couldn't be more proud of her.
Sorry this chapter is so short and crappy! I'm babysitting and the kid is already asleep so I thought I'd do a quick update since apparently I HAVE READERS!!! I love all of you so much and I can't thank you enough. I started this fanfic for fun since I was tired of reading everlark stories where Gale is the bad guy lol. Honestly he's legit the nicest book character ever. Like Katniss leaves him for peeta but Gale still takes care of her family and is there for her. TEAM GALE FOR THE WIN!!!

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