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Gale's POV
    After Rory volunteers, everything is a blur. I can see that Vick is protesting, trying to keep Rory from volunteering, but it's no use. The hardest part is, there's nothing I can do to help them. Katniss hurries up to where the boys are squabbling, grabbing Vick by the arm, and dragging him back over to us, tears silently streaming down his face. Immediately, our mother grabs him and embraces him sobbing as Rory walks up onto the stage and shakes hands with the female tribute. They're hardly on stage a minute before they're hustled off into the Justice building for visitation.
     I take my mothers hand, and carefully scoop Posy out of Prim's arms and head to the building where I visited Katniss last year. I let my mother and siblings visit him first since I want to talk to him separately. When they come out of his room, I quickly get up and rush into the room, knowing I don't have much time. "Hey," I say to him pulling him into a hug, "I'm proud of you. And, I hope you know that I would've volunteered for both of y'all if I could've." "I couldn't bear to watch him go in. He's my little brother," Rory says, looking up into my eyes. "I came separately to ask you something. I have the option of coming with Katniss to help her while she's mentoring. Would you want me to be there with you, or would you rather me stay home? Tell me honestly. I want what's best for you now, don't try to tell me to stay with Mom if you want me with you." "Oh no," he says giving me a determined look, "I intend on winning this. I want to be able to support our family so you can marry Katniss without feeling like you've abandoned us. I can do it you know. I'm strong like you, plus I'll be one of the older ones this time around. But I would appreciate if you came. Maybe you could give me some hunting tips and help me with your snares." I'm stunned by what he says. He wants to win so I can marry Katniss without worrying about the family loosing our income. I give him one last hug, thanking him for what he's just given me. "I'll see you on the train, I think Bick wanted to talk to you alone too." I tell him before leaving to find out mother.
    Outside the room, my mother is sobbing and Katniss is trying to comfort her. Usually, I'd stop and take a minute to be happy that they have such a great relationship, but today is different. Down the hall, Prim and her mother are sitting on the floor with Posy trying to explain things as best as possible to the five year old. "Prim, can I talk to you?" I ask. "Of course," she says standing up and following me down the hall and out of earshot of our mothers. "I'm going with Katniss to help mentor Rory," I tell her before she cuts me off, "Don't worry," she tells me, "I'll take care of them. You took care of me when Katniss was in the games, and I'm m forever grateful for that. It's my turn now and I'd be more than happy to help you in anyway that I can." "Thank you Prim," I tell her, pulling her into a hug before walking back to talk to Katniss and my mother.

Really short chapter, sorry! But THANK YOU FOR 1000 READS!! Y'all are seriously the best! I'm back from Portugal and just wanted to do an update before I left for the beach. I may be able to update while I'm there but I may not. I'll only be there for like two days so you'll get another update soon.

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