The Capital Part 2

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Katniss's POV
Gale and I step off of the train, hand in hand, waving at all of the capital people applauding. The size of the crowd, and the strange looking people, catch Gale off guard. He's doing well though. Tonight's the interview with Caesar so Gale and I are herded like sheep into the car taking us to our hotel to get changed for it.
I think it's the same place we stayed at before the games because I remember it looking odd, but then again all of the capital buildings are so strange it could've been any of them. Effie checks us in and an avox guides me and Gale to a glass elevator that takes us up on the outside of he building. I think it's kinda cool. You can get a good view of the place from so high up. However, Gale doesn't seem to feel the same way. He grips my hand a little tighter and is looking up at the sky instead of the scenery out the sides and bottom.
We get off on the 50th floor and are escorted to a large suite at the end of the main hallway. Turns out, all of our group is staying on this floor. Effie, Haymitch, and both of our prep teams and stylists are in rooms off of this hallway too. But being the victor, I get the main suite of the building. It's massive. There's a sitting room, a dining table, and of course a bed & bath. The bedroom is much bigger than my old home in the seam. The bathroom itself is probably the size of it.
        I flop down on the bed and immediately sink down on the fluffy down comforter. Gale joins me "I'd love to stay here with you for the rest of the day, but unfortunately we have an interview with Caesar to get ready for," he says, kissing me on the nose. "We don't have to do anything until the prep team comes," I say pulling him closer and kissing him passionately. I can feel him smile into the kiss as he comes even closer. He gently nips at my lower lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss, and of course, I let him.
         Things were starting to get pretty rough when there was a knock on our door that could only mean the stylists and teams were here.  "To be continued," Gale says, rolling off of me and getting up to let them in. I laugh, trying to put my hair back in order and smooth my dress as I get up to meet them. My prep team comes scurrying in as soon as Gale opens the door and whisk me away to get me ready. Apparently tonight is a "big deal," but then again so is everything in the capital. I don't even know what happens to Gale because my team is already drawing my bath and brushing out my long, dark hair.
         After what feels like hours, they're finally done with me. I feel caked in makeup, even more so than normal, and the way my hair has been done is so heavy. Cinna has really outdone himself for this interview. He's made me three dresses to choose from! I'm looking through the dress bags when he comes in. "Hello Katniss," he says, hugging me, "I hope you haven't been tortured too much." "I haven't," I laugh, "I really like the first dress. I think the color is nice and it doesn't look like it'll be hard to walk in," I tell him. "Actually, that was Gale's pick too. He though the grey would bring out your eyes," he says as he pulls it out of the bag for me to try on.
     The dress fits perfectly and looks great too! It's a nice blue-grey color and comes to jest above my knees. I like that it has three-quarter length sleeves. I'm always cold in these capital buildings. "Unfortunately," Cinna speaks up, "this dress does not have fire like your first interview dress." "That's okay. It's perfect just the way it is," I say, giving a quick twirl.
     Cinna and I leave the dressing room and head back into the main room to meet Gale and  the others. Gale looks nice. He's in dark suit with a tie that's the same color as my dress. Cinna and I must me the last ones out because Effie is already going through the schedule. Haymitch will be interviewed first, he's never had a tribute win before so it's a big deal for him to speak. Then Gale will go. Of course, I'm last since I'm the victor. After the interviews, we'll have dinner back here. Tomorrow is the party at the mansion. There's so much to take in that I know I'll forget some part of the schedule, but at least Effie is organized. Once everyone is prepped on what to and not to say, we head to the lobby to get in our cars.

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