Snund- Confessions.

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(A/N Hey, I'm struggling to write chapter 3 of New Beginnings and I thought why not try doing one-shots, and I wanna say I ship the hell out of these two, and this is for Riannah... yup :3) ((HOLY FUCK NEARLY 1000 READS ON JUST THIS ONE! ILYSM RN)

Junds POV-

"I'm just putting it out there, I ship Snund." Cry's voice seemed louder over everyone else's.

"Really?" a high pitch reply came, Minx burst out laughing, I sunk into my seat, trying to hide the blush creeping across my face.

"I think Jund and Snake would make the cutest couple alive!" Russ had to voice his opinion, I groaned.

"Please, will you people stop it?" I begged only to be met with more laughter. We were taking a break from the Livestream, if any of our fans heard this, the chat would explode.

"What are you all giggling at?" a stern voice silenced the laughter and giggles.

"Nothing, I was ,err nothing!" Russ fumbled with his words and Cry mumbled something along the lines of 'shipping you and Scott.' but it wasn't heard over minx's giggling. Thank god Snake showed up when he did, I wouldn't have been able to fend for myself, we went back to playing games, we played Dark Souls, Cry kept dying, it was fun but a small voice in the back of my mind ruined it. "You like him, don't you?" It spoke.

"Guys, I'm gonna hit the hay, see you later." I said as I fell into a pit of lava. I was surrounded by goodbyes from everyone.

"Night colonel, love you." Snakes voice was the last I heard, I froze, did he just say he loved me? He probably meant it in a friendly way, right? I mean he's gotta be straight, he is possibly the most masculine man I have ever met. I ended the skype call with everyone and moved away from my computer, flopping face first onto my bed, I soon fell asleep only to be woken an hour later, by incessant ringing coming from my computer. Why? I sat up slowly and checked who was ringing me, Snake? My heart did mini backflips and butterflies filled my stomach, I took a deep breath before answering.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked, to a black screen, to which it sighed.

"I, erm, need to speak to you." Snake normally calm voice was nervous and he was stuttering, it was kinda cute.

"What about?" curiosity fueled my question, its probably about a co-op but Snake was never this nervous.

"I, er, have..." he let his voice trail off, taking a deep breath before continuing, "Ihavefeelingsforyou." he spoke quickly.

"I, what?" I heard him loud and clear, I just wanted him to repeat it.

"I know you heard me Jund, don't make me repeat myself." his voice even again, and demanding, my cheeks heated up and I couldn't speak.

"Really? The guys haven't put you up to this?" I finally spoke after a few seconds of silence.

"I knew this was a mistake, bye Jund."

"Wait, I do too." oh god what did I just say.

"Huh, you love me?" his tone changed from sad to quizzical in a matter of seconds.


"I have to go Jund, I'll see you soon." I didn't get to reply, he hung up, he has 'feelings for me?' I sat back in my chair, my eyelids felt heavy, I fell asleep again.

Snakes POV-

"I have to go Jund, I'll see you soon." I ended the skype call and moved away from my computer. I stumbled around my room, trying to find a pair of shoes in the dark, when I finally found them, I slipped them on and headed to my front door, grabbing my car keys, the cold air hit me like a truck, I zipped my jacket up and headed to my car, a soft bleep told me the car was unlocked, when inside I turned the heater and the car on, leaving my driveway. I had one destination, Jund...

*Timeskip because driving scenes are boring!*

I parked my car outside of Junds home, the lights were off, I could just leave and he would never know, he could be asleep, I pushed these thoughts out of my head as I got out of my car and headed to the front door and knocked. I heard shuffling and swearing, the door opened to reveal a skinny man wrapped in a bright pink blanket, his blackish brown hair stuck up and his eyes were half open.

"Did I wake you?" I asked, Jund didn't say anything but a light pink hue spread across his cheeks. I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Jund, do you have feelings for me?" I asked, he dropped the blanket he clung to, showing the thin white tee and loose pajama bottoms he wore, the blush reddened and he stared at his bare feet.

"Only if you do, for me." his voice quiet. I wasn't all to sure of what I was doing, my hands cupped his face, pulling his gaze to mine, I lent in and felt his lips brush against mine, I pulled him closer, getting rid of any distance between us, our lips met. I had to agree with Cry, I totally ship Snund.

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