Not the Same

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3 crooks are beating up a guy in an alley.
Crook1: Ha, look at this loser.
Crook2: Can't even fight.
Crook3: Let's kill him.
???: Yeah, let's beat the three bozos.
The three crooks turn around to see a man wearing a red metallic vest, black kevlar underneath, red gauntlets, black jeans, red and black boots, and a Red Hood helmet. The crooks step back in fear.
Crook1: P-p-peril!!
Jayden: Hi.
Jayden pops out his hand swords and he walks up to the 3, and then we see a shadow of Jayden beating up the crooks brutally. The guy that was being beat up looks up and sees Jayden.
Guy: Thank you.
Jayden: Don't mention it.
Jayden walks away and gets on the Rejectpod and drives off.

(At a bank)

Ricochet is robbing a bank and is pointing his gauntlet at the desk lady.
???: Too late.
Ricochet turns around to see a black guy wearing black goggles with yellow lenses, a black leather jacket, yellow kevlar, black jeans, and yellow boots and a girl with aquamarine hair, a black sleeveless trench coat, black leather fingerless gloves, a white tanktop, black jeans, and black boots.
Ricochet: Oh good. It's just Elasto and Crystal.
Isaiah stretches his arm and punches Ricochet, knocking him out while reading a magazine.
Crystal: Ehem.
Isaiah looks up.
Isaiah: Sorry. Just looking for a new couch.
Crystal sighs.
Isaiah: What?! We need a new couch!
Crystal ties up Ricochet. The two head out and enter basically a black Lamborghini with a two rockets on the back. The car drives off.

(On a rooftop)

Ninjas have been pushed back by a girl wearing a short purple jean jacket, purple shirt, purple jeans, purple boots, blue fingerless gloves, and a purple domino mask and a hispanic dude wearing a sleeveless brown and orange bulletproof vest, brown gauntlets, brown fingerless gloves, brown jeans, brown boots, and black goggles with orange lenses.
Nelson: Ninjas? In Minnesota?
Jess: You've been saying that for the past five minutes Arkwing.
Nelson: I know Energy but ninjas?!
A ninja throws a dagger at Nelson and his huge metallic wings shield him from the dagger and Jess blast the ninja. The ninjas then disapper.
Nelson: Another one for the Rejects! Wanna call it in?
Jess: Yeah, lets head home.
Nelson grabs Jess and flies down next to a black and purple motorcycle. Jess gets on and puts on a black motorcycle helmet. She revs up the motorcycle and the two head back to base.

(At Dr.Claymold's lab)

Claymold walks into his lab with some ramen. He heads to his screen and sees that the Fake Mike's dreams aren't on. Claymold turns around and sees that Fake Mike's tube is broken.
Claymold: No.
Claymold presses a button and 3 more tubes appear, all are broken.
Claymold: No no no no no no no no. Where could they be?

(At the prison)

Austin wakes up and sees his cellmate Wildebeast is standing at the cell door.
Austin: Wilde what are you doing?
Wildebeast: Waiting.
Austin: For what?
Wildebeast: For them.
A man wearing a silver jacket, a black shirt with a white lightning bolt on it, silver pants, white boots, and silver aviators, an asian man wearing a dark purple trench coat, a  dark purple turtleneck, dark purple jeans, black boots, and black leather gloves, and a hispanic girl with a white emo hairstyle, black leather vest with a cross on the back, black tanktop, black ripped jeans, black boots, and a black fingerless glove. Wildebeast smiles. The cell door unlocks.
Wildebeast: Come on buddy.
Austin: What's going on?
Wildebeast: Meet my brothers and sister and we are breaking out!!!

And that's the first chapter of Rejects Volume 7 and I hope you enjoy.

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