Home Again

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Mike: It's good to be back.
Mike and Jayden are playing Injustic 2, Mike is using Green Arrow and Jayden is using Batman.
Jayden: It sure is, so I can kick your butt.
Mike: In your dreams.
Jayden presses a button and defeats Mike.
Jayden: HA!! IN YOUR FACE!!!!
Mike smiles.
Mike: You got lucky dude.
Jayden: Luck has nothing to do with my victory.
Mike: I missed you guys.
Jayden: We did too buddy. So why'd you come back? And what's the deal with Terror?
Mike: Terror was a drop out of Shogun's school and he blamed me for it. As to why I'm back, I just needed to come home. I've been training for 2 months and I needed some "normal" back in my life.
Jayden: So you decided to come back to kinda the most boring ever?
Mike: Who said I left the state?
Jess and Tobias walk in and Tobias sits next to Mike as Jess sits and cuddles with Jayden.
Tobias: How long will you be staying?
Mike: Until I have a reason to leave.
Jess: So, permanently?
Mike: Yeah, pretty much.
Crystal: Good!
Crystal hangs over the back part of the couch.
Crystal: Cause I miss my partner.
Mike: Jack been trying you to get a new partner?
Crystal: Every damn week.
Mike: HA!
Isaiah: It's not funny dude. She comes here and complains non-stop.
Isaiah sits on the arm of the couch next to Tobias.
Isaiah: It's super annoying.
Crystal: *mockingly* It's super annoying.
Isaiah: It is!
Crystal: Well how about you go work at an all male prescient where they always stare at your breasts or butt.
Isaiah: I don't have those problems.
Taylor: How about we stray away from all that.
Taylor wheels in holding Casey. Mike stares in horror.
Mike: Wha-
Taylor: Later.
Taylor wheels towards Jess and gives her the baby.
Jess: Thanks.
Jess starts cradling Casey and Jayden is watching.
Mike: I guess we kinda are a family now huh?
Isaiah: I'm the funny uncle.
Tobias: I'm the reasonable uncle.
Taylor: I'm the crazy wheelchair aunt.
Crystal: I'm just the crazy aunt.
Mike: And I'm the cool uncle.
Everyone: NO!!!
Mike: OH COME ON!!!
Everyone starts laughing but they don't notice a man wearing a green jacket, a black shirt, brown jeans, brown boots, long messy black hair, black bushy beard, and his eyes glow green.
???: Forget.

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