Old Friends, Familiar Foes

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Jess is looking at the giant computer where Jayden, Nelson, and Crystal are being monitored and A map of the city is shown.
Jess: Where will you show up Austin?
???: Maybe you should rest.
Jess turns around and sees an asian girl who's the same height as Jess, long black hair, brown eyes, glasses, jean jacket, black top, blue jeans, and white shoes.
Jess: LIZ!!!!
Jess runs to Liz and hugs her and Liz hugs back.
Liz: Heeeey, I missed you.
Jess: I missed you too. You missed the wedding!!
Liz: Sorry, but college is hard.
Jess: I know, I'm teasing you. Please come in.
Liz: You still doing the hero thing?
Jess: Of course, but now I'm the leader.
Liz: You're the leader? I can't see it.
Jess: I know right? But Mike makes a big deal out of it and I actually like it. It does put a strain but it's good.
Liz: Speaking of Mike, is he here? I haven't seen him in ages.
Jess: He's in the training room, though he's a bit not happy right now.
Liz: Why?
Jess takes Liz into the computer room and she sees the 3 and she puts her hands to her mouth.
Liz: Oh my god! Jayden, Crystal, Nelson. What happend?!
Jess: Austin.
Liz: He did this?
Jess: He's not the same guy from high school. He's a killer... Killed Mike's girlfriend.
Liz: Mike had a girlfriend?
Jess: Jealous?
Liz: No. Just happy he found someone... Even if it was short.
Jess: You can go see him, just don't go into the main hall. Take a left once you enter and you'll be in the control deck and you'll be able to watch without getting hurt.
Liz: Ok.
Liz leaves and Jess goes back to looking at the screen.

(In the training room)

Mike pulls out a white katana from a droid.
Mike: Again.
Dex: Mike, you've been through this simulation for over 4 hours, maybe you should-
Mike: AGAIN!!!
The droid gets up and it turns into Austin. The room turns into a rooftop.
Austin: Back for another beating?
Mike: Begin.
Mike throws shurikens at Austin and Austin counter attacks with shurikens. The two clash blades and Mike kicks Austin and sends him flying a few inches. Before Austin could react Mike throws the sword at Austin and it hit him square in the chest.
Mike: Activate Villains.
Alice, Domino, Jack, and Bishop appear around Mike. Mike takes out his sticks.
Mike: Begin!!

(In the control room)

Liz is watching Mike fighting the four villains and is scared he might accidentally kill himself. Mike beats Domino to bloody pulp and throws a stick at Jack's head and knocks him out. Alice grows large and Mike climbs up her arm up to her neck and he pulls out a knife and he stabs her until she falls over and he jumps back onto the roof and Bishop stabs Mike through the chest.
Liz: MIKE!!
Mike pulls out a knife and throws it at Bishop's neck and Mike removes the blade from his body.
Mike: End Sim.
The simulation ends and Mike hears the door opens and he looks up to see Liz walking in.
Liz: Are you ok?
Mike stands up and his chest reheals. Mike rips off his destroyed shirt.
Mike: I'm fine. Just need to make a stab proof shirt.
He sees Liz blushing and looking away.
Mike: What?
Liz: Please put on a shirt.
Mike: Heheheh ok. Dex, shirt please.
A black t-shirt fell and Mike puts it on.
Mike: There, happy?!
Liz: Better.
Mike: ... So what? No hello? No "Hey Mike, it's good to see you."?
Liz: Hello Mike, it's good to see you again.
Mike: Same goes for you. How've you been? How's college? Do you have a boyfriend?
Liz: MIKE!!!!
Mike: I'm asking the serious questions here.
Liz: It's been fine, also fine, and none of your business. Jeez, it's like you still have a crush on me.
Mike: Maybe I do.
Mike walks pass Liz as her face turns pure red.
Mike: Yep.
Liz: ... So, how've you been?
Mike stops and sighs.
Mike: Not good. Alot of things have happend and well... I guess seeing a friendly face is helping.
Liz turn around and punches him in the arm.
Liz: Of course, why else would I be here?
Mike: Hehehe. Come on, let me introduce you to the others.
Mike and Liz leave the training room and the room's lights go out.

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