The Freaks Reveal

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So I decided to keep on writing this Rejects. So enjoy.

Jess, Mike, Elizza, Tobias, Herc, Isaiah, Taylor, and baby Casey are all at Todd's diner and are talking and laughing.
Elizza: You guys actually fought off evil versions of yourselves?!
Mike: It wasn't that cool.
Taylor: Evil versions. Of ourselves. That's cool Mike.
Mike: We fought a god, that's cooler then fighting evil versions of ourselves.
Isaiah: I don't know about you, but a serial killer is all I ever want to face.
Herc: You guys seem such good friends.
Tobias: We all secretly hate Mike.
Taylor: Cause it's really easy to hate you.
Mike: I'm hurt guys. Truly. I thought we are all friends here but I see how it is.
Everyone laughs and Mike notices Elizza looking a little down.
Mike: You ok?
Elizza: It seems you guys can never get away from drama huh?
Mike: Nah, why get away from something that makes your life just a bit more interesting?
Elizza punches Mike in the arm.
Mike: Ow! Why'd you do that for?!
Elizza: Because why not? Besides, you're immortal.
Mike: But can still feel pain!
Elizza: Wait really?!
Mike: Yeah!
Elizza: Oh my god, I'm sooo sorry.
Mike starts laughing and Elizza's face turns red.
Elizza: It's not funny! You should've told me that.
Mike: But then I wouldn't get to see you worry about little ole me.
Elizza: Stop it.
Mike: Stop what?!
Elizza: Don't flirt in front of everyone.
Mike: It's fine, they're distracted look.
Isaiah and Herc are in a convo while Jess is playing and feeding Casey. Tobias and Taylor are bickering with each other.
Mike: See nothing to worry about.
Elizza: Still...
Mike: If it makes you feel better, I'll stop.
Elizza looks at Mike.
Elizza: Your too nice, you know?
Mike: No... I'm really not.
Elizza: Well, you are to me.
Mike puts down his drink.
Mike: I'll see you guys later.
Mike gets up and puts on his leather jacket and heads out of the diner.
Elizza: Did I do something wrong?
Jess: No. He's still probably feeling guilty about Erin and you being here, well I think he believes he'll make you her replacement and he doesn't want to hurt you or Erin.
Elizza: I should go talk to him.
Elizza gets up and follows after Mike.

(In the city)

Mike walks down the street and walks and watches people walking by and talking. Mike blocks off everything and just listens to the voices of the people. He keeps on moving when he hears something.
Austin: Up here.
Mile turns around to see Austin on a staircase in an alley. Mike is about to run towards him when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
Elizza: Hey you ok?
Mike turns to see Elizza and the turns back and sees that Austin has disappeared.
Elizza: You ok?
Mike: Yeah, I'm... I'm fine. So, what's up?
Elizza: Jess told me that you may be feeling guilty about Erin and the fact that you're replacing her with me.
Mike: *sighs* Look I-
Elizza hugs Mike and he's confused.
Elizza: For right now I am your friend ok? I'll be here for you but I don't think either of us are ready for a commitment together.
Mike hugs back.
Mike: I know. I'm just afraid of loosing you, that's all.
Elizza: I'm a big girl, I can take care of my-
Then all of a sudden Austin grabs Elizza and puts his hand over her mouth.
Mike: AU-
Then Mike was thrown into the wall. Mike looks and sees Ronin staring at him.
Mike: Y-you look like me?
Ronin: I am you. And she will be coming with us.
Elizza tries to kick and hit Austin but he hits her neck and she passes out.
Ronin grabs Mike's head and bashes it into the wall and he throws him into a trashbin. Mike looks up and then sees Wildebeast, Monster, Napalm, Streak, and Angel.
Mike: Who are you?
Ronin: We're you, but more Freaks then Rejects.
Ronin and the Freaks, along with Austin amd Elizza, disappear and Mike reaches out for Elizza and then passes out.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now