Freaks Turn; Volume 7 Finale

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Mike: So, where are they?
Jess points to the computer and a red dot appears.
Jess: In an abandoned factory.
Isaiah: Sooooo 2 years ago.
Herc: So do we know where Elizza is?
Jess: Sadly no, but we do have an idea.
Taylor presses a button and two red dots appear inside the abandoned factory.
Jess: She's either down near the bottom or she's in the room next to the roof.
Mike: Roof.
Everyone looks at him.
Mike: This our clones we are talking about. If Ronin is anything like me, then he would most likely have her closer to the roof for a quick escape.
Jess: True.
Tobias: And the rides are set.
Everyone turns around to see Tobias in his costume in front of the garage.
Mike: Tobez, what are you doing?
Tobias: I need to do something. After learning that I'm a clone too, I guess I just need to be out there helping.
Nelson: Good thing I arrived in time. Nelson enters through the front door.
Nelson: I'll get ready.
Tobias: While he's doing that, come here so I can show you the new rides.
Everyone walks into the garage to see two new motorcycles, one has red decal and one had purple, there was a black Charger with a white skull on the driver side door, a black Hummer with some green and yellow decals, and finally a vehicle that resembles the RejectVan but more high tech.
Tobias: The motorcycles are for Jess and Jayden. The Charger is for Mike. The Hummer is for Herc and Isaiah, and the RejectVan 2.0 is the main source of transport if no one wants to use the other vehicles.
Mike puts a hand on Tobias's shoulder.
Mike: You did it again my friend. Good job.
Tobias: I do my best.
Taylor: Hey Mike.
Mike turns around and sees Taylor with the Winter Soldiers mouth mask.
Mike: You finished it?
Taylor: Of course.
Jess: Now we got the vehicles to get there, but how the hell do we make our entrance?
Mike puts on the mouth mask.
Mike: I have an idea.

(At the Freaks's base)

Ronin is sharpening his sword while Wildebeast is annoying Streak. Angel and Napalm our talking silently and Monster is trying to use a windmill.
Wildebeast: So if you're a clone of Neon, are you gay or straight?
Streak: I will seriously snap your neck in 3 seconds.
Ronin: Wildebeast enough. Leave Streak alone.
Wildebeast: You're no fun big man.
Ronin: We aren't fun.
Wildebeast: Of course we aren't. We're serious and edgy. So where the fuck is Austin?
Ronin: He's watching Elizza.
Wildebeast: Not feeling a hint of jealousy?
Ronin: How about I cut your tongue and see if you talk after that?
Wildebeast: Sorry big man, it's just that the real you likes her right?
Ronin: Then shouldn't be with Napalm instead of Angel?
Wildebeast looks at Napalm and Angel holding hands.
Wildebeast: Nah I'm good.
Streak: So, how long until we finally fix our problems?
Ronin: Whenever they arrive. That's when-
All of a sudden the room starts to fill with music. Fall Out Boy's Immortal's starts playing in the intercoms.
Angel: What the hell?!
Wildebeast: Who the fuck is making us listen to FOB?!
Ronin: They're here.
The big metal doors exploded, filling the room with smoke. The Freaks cough and tried to make the smoke disappear. As the smoke disappears, the Freaks see Jess,Jayden,Crystal,Tobias,Herc, and Isaiah in the entrance.
Ronin: Where's-
Nelson then lands next to Isaiah.
Ronin: Where the hell is-
Mike then crashes through the glass window on the roof. As he's fallinh he's singing the lyrics to Immortal's.
Mike: We could be Immortal's!
Mike lands on his feet and stands staright up. He takes off his headphones and presses a button on his phone and the music stops. Mike takes the headphones off and puts them away.
Mike: Whew. That was pretty fucking stupid of me. Should've thought that through.
Ronin: ... Seriously? Are you not taking this seriously?
Mike: Oh yeah. Totally. *mutters* Taylor, give me the location of Elizza please?
Ronin: You're totally ignoring me!
Mike: Nooooooooo. Yes.
Ronin: Are you fucking serious?
Mike: Look, I dealt with a evil version of myself, a clone really isn't that special.
Ronin throws his sword at Mike and it went through his chest. Mike pulls out the broadsword.
Mike: Ok. Where's Elizza?
Ronin charges at Mike and swings down his other sword but Mike blocks it with the broadsword that Ronin threw at him.
Mike: I guess you won't tell me.
Ronin: Why the hell would I tell you anything?
Mike: Cause you need my blood to live.
Mike kicks Ronin backwards. The Rejects all enter the factory.
Ronin: How'd you figure it out?
Mike: We have a genius.
Tobias waves his hand.
Mike: And I can probably guess that most of you aren't really villains. You just need our blood, our DNA.
Ronin: You don't know us!!
Mike: Yes, we do. We are you.
Ronin: You don't know what the doctor did to us. He made us from you. We didn't want to live, we were born because some mad man wanted his own army of Rejects. Instead he got freaks.
Monster: Me confused. How is Monster clone if Monster actually Jacob?
Mike: Wait, that's Jacob?
Ronin: Jacob was an experiment gone wrong but right.
Isaiah: What?
Herc: The result wasn't what he actually wanted but still was a great result.
Isaiah: Aahhhh.
Crystal: Idiot.
Isaiah: Screw you!
Tobias: Bloody hell. Are we really doing this now?
Jess: Everyone stop arguing!
Ronin: Seems your family is just as bad as mine.
Mike: We argue. That's just what families do.
Ronin: So you aren't gonna fight us?
Mike: We can help you.
Wildebeast: Yeah right.
Angel: Why help us Freaks?
Nelson: Because we're Rejects.
Jayden: Also we're heroes and good people.
Isaiah: Also we weird like that.
Mike: We are gonna help you, but you need to tell me where Elizza is.
Ronin: Where you think she is.
Mike runs towards the stairs and heads up.
Jess: Wow, I thought we were gonna have a huge fight.
Then someone starts clapping behind the Rejects. Everyone turns to see a man wearing a white lab coat.
???: Thank you Rejects for helping me find my creations.
Ronin: No... Claymold.
Claymold: Michael, Jay, Jesse, Oliver, Nelissa, and Monster come, it's time to return home.
Jess: They aren't going anywhere.
Jayden: I know you.
Claymolf smiles. A white goo starts to cover his entire body. Now Claymold has a white trench coat, white combat vest, white combat pants, white combat boots, white combat gloves, and white Agent Venom mask.
Sym: I am Sym.
Jayden: You stole my symbiote!!!
Jayden pops out three blades from his hands, a blade each from his shoulders, and three from his feet. Jayden charges at Sym like a dog. Sym smiles and raises his hand and it stretches out, his hand turning into a drill. Jayden dodges and keeps on running at Sym.
Sym: No, but it could distract you from my real target.
Jayden looks back and sees that the drill is aimed at Jess. Jess has no time to react. Jayden stops makes a B-line towards his wife. Jess raises her hands to block it. Jayden feels something grabs his leg and he falls to the ground.
Jayden: Noooooooooooo!!!!!
Wildebeast: Quit your whining.
Jayden looks up to see Wildebeast with his claws out.
Sym: Damn it Jay.
Jayden: You... you saved her?!
Wildebeast: I'm you, you idiot. Also I just hate the fact that my creator killed Jess. That's just sad.
Everyone, Freaks and Rejects, line up and stare at Sym prepared to attack. Jayden gets up and joins them.
Sym: You fools. I have the symbiote. And I have the bigger creative mind then Jayden.
Jess: We still outnumber you. And good always wins. Rejects, Get him!!
Ronin: Freaks Immobilize!!

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