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Jess blast opens the doors to the plant and she runs towards where Jayden and the others are and Mike, Isaiah, and Herc follow.
Jess didn't listen and turned the corner and she stops for a moment and then she runs again. Mike and the others turn the corner and see Jayden, Crystal, and Nelson all brutally bruised and cut and knocked out. Jess holds Jayden in her arms and tears fall from her face as she cradles him in her arms.
Jess: Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok.
Mike puts a hand on her shoulder.
Mike: Come on, let's bring them home now.
Jess wipes the tears.
Jess: Ok.
Mike grabs one of Jayden's arms and Jess grabs the other and Herc carries Crystal and Nelson and they leave the plant.

(Back at base)

Jess is pacing back and forth infront of the infirmary as Tobias is checking on the three. Isaiah sits in silence and Herc puts a hand on his shoulder in comfort, Taylor sits patiently, and Mike watches Jess. Then the baby starts crying. Mike gets up and heads upstairs. Jess just looks into the infirmary and stares at Jayden. Taylor wheels up next to her.
Taylor: They'll be ok. He'll be ok.
Jess: I know. But I can't help buy worry.
Isaiah gets up and walks to Jess and puts a hand on her shoulder.
Isaiah: I promise we'll find Austin and we will make him pay.
Jess hugs Isaiah and Isaiah hugs back.

(In Casey's room)

Mike is cradling Casey and playing with him.
Mike: God, you look like your father. Heh, I should tell you how we met. It's not some huge thing, we just met at lunch in 9th grade and when we first met we kinda didn't like each other.
Casey tilts his head in confusion.
Mike: I know right. Me and Jayden not getting along what? But it's true, and later on we became best friends and then I met your mother.
Casey starts clapping his hands.
Mike: I'm worried about Jayden, but I'm more worried about Jess. She will be hurting and not thinking straight. Maybe I should get Auntie Liz to come calm her down huh?
Casey smiles and giggles.
Mike: Heh, yeah. I haven't seen your aunt in ages. I wonder if she found anyone yet? Welp, time to put you to bed little guy.
Mike gets up and sets Casey into his crib.
Mike: Now, be good ok?
Casey smiles and nods.
Mike: Good.
Mike heads to the door and looks at Casey.
Mike: Byyyyyye.
Mike closes the door.

(Back downstairs)

Tobias walks out of the infirmary.
Jess: How are they?
Tobias: They're fine, just won't be walking around anytime soon. Jusy he lucky you got them when you did.
Jess nods her head and then heads towards the door and walks outside.
Isaiah: What do we do now?
Herc: How about you explain Austin to me?
Tobias: He's villian called Slayer, he played the team like fools and killed Mike's girlfriend.
Herc: Damn.
Mike: And now, we're gonna find him and beat the living crap out of him.
Everyone turns and sees Mike walking down the stairs.
Mike: He almost killed our family, he will pay.
Isaiah: Agreed.
Tobias: Don't you think that your judgment is clouded?
Mike: My best friend is in a hospital bed because of him, and he killed my girlfriend so what? You think I'm not gonna want to find him and hurt him.
Tobias: I'm afraid you're gonna kill him.
Mike: You know me Tobias, I wouldn't kill!!
Jess: ENOUGH!!!!
Everyone turns to see Jess.
Jess: We will find him tomorrow. Right now we need to stop fighting and get some sleep ok?
Mike: I'm sorry Jess.
Jess hugs Mike.
Jess: I know you're worried about me and Jayden, just please don't fight the others.
Mike: I'm sorry.
Jess let's go and heads upstairs and everyone else besides Tobias and Taylor head upstairs and went to bed.
Taylor: Will they be alright?
Tobias: I hope so.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now