Forget pt 1

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Mike turns around and sees the man.
Mike: Hey, what the hell are you doing here?
The man runs off.
Mike: Who was that? Hey guys maybe we should follow him.
Jess: Who are all of you?
Mike turns to see Jess in the corner with Casey.
Mike: Jess?
Jess: How do you know me?
Mike: Jess calm down. It's me, Mike. We're your friends. Jayden help me out here.
Jayden: I don't know who the hell you are.
Mike turns around and sees Jayden backing away from him.
Mike: Jay?
Crystal: Who the hell are all of you?
Mike turns and sees Crystal, Tobias, and Isaiah backing away from each other.
Isaiah: What's going on? Where am I?
Tobias: I would like to know too.
Mike looks horrified as to what's happening.
Mike: What's wrong with you guys?
Taylor: That man must be a Gifted.
Mike looks and sees Taylor stroll up next to him.
Mike: You know who I am?
Taylor: The wheelchair protects me from everything and helps me move around. Toby designed it that way.
Tobias: Look, I don't know any of you, but I'm a go now, so.
Mike: You can't go.
Tobias: Why not?
Mike: Because something has happend to your memories and I need to fix them.
Isaiah: Why should we trust you?
Crystal: Yeah. Why?
Mike: Look at my face.
Everyone looks at his face.
Mike: My name is Mike and I'm you guy's friend, even best friend. And I promise you that I will do everything I can to bring your memories back at any cost.
The five stare for a while and then sigh. Jess leaves the corner.
Jess: I believe you.
Jayden: You don't look like you would hurt us so sure, why not.
Isaiah: Whatever.
Crystal: Fuck it. I'll stay.
Tobias: Sure.
Mike: Great. Thank you guys so much.
Jess: By the way, who's baby is this?
Mike: ... Yours and Jayden's.
Jayden: Wait what?
Jess: He's mine?
Mike: Just stay here so that me and Taylor can fix this.
Mike and Taylor leave the room. Jess sits on the couch and starts cradling the baby. The baby starts gooing and starts to fall asleep.
Jayden: You seem like a natural.
Jess turns and sees Jayden sit down next to her.
Jess: Thanks... I feel like-
Jayden: -I should know you?
Jess: Yeah.
Jayden: Heheh same. Maybe he's right. Maybe we did lose our memories.
Jess: Maybe.
Crystal: Or he's playing us.
Isaiah: He doesn't seem that bad.
Tobias: He seems a little bit odd though.
Jayden: People are just odd.
Crystal: I say we kick his ass.
Isaiah: We should give him time. We don't know if he's trully bad.
Tobias: But we don't know if he's trully good either.
Jayden: Look, all I know is that maybe we should give him a chance. If he's lying, we'll kick his ass. If he's not, then good. Ok?
Tobias: I can accept that.
Crystal: Whatever.
Isaiah: I'm with you.
Jess: Sure.

(In the computer room)

Mike: How the hell did he get in?
Taylor: I don't know, but the cameras should've caught his face.
Taylor starts typing and the computer and an image of the man appears. Taylor types some more and a name appears.
Taylor: Maxwell Mind. He used to work for Rook until a lab accident happend that injured 10 people.
Mike: Do you know where he is?
Taylor types and an adress appears.
Taylor: Here.
Mike walks away and heads to the garage.
Taylor: Save our friends.
Mike: That's what I'm doing.

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