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Jess: No.
Mike: Come on!!!!
Jess: No.
Mike: COME ON!!!
Jess: I don't know him. How are we supposed to know if we can trust him?
Mike: We give him a chance. Come on, I thought you like meeting new people?
Jess: I'm a leader of a team now, the team you chose to give me.
Mike: *sighs* You got me there. But he doesn't seem like a bad guy though.
Jess: Looks can be deceiving.
Mike: I know. I'm best friends with a great example.
Jess: I will blast you.
Mike: No you won't.

(In the computer room)

Herc is leaning against the wall and watching the others. Isaiah walks up and leans against the wall next to him.
Isaiah: So... You're gonna be the newest member?
Herc: If your boss allows me to join.
Isaiah: She usually likes meeting new people, but she's now the boss and has to think about if you could jeopardise us or not.
Herc: I get it. You guys don't know me, why should you trust me? I haven't given you any reason to trust me.
Isaiah: You haven't given us any reasons to doubt you either.
Herc: Heh, thanks.
Isaiah: Hey dude, I'm just trying to help out the best I can.
Isaiah walks back to the others and Herc smiles. Then an alarm rang.
Jayden: What's wrong?
Taylor: A break in is happening at BioLabs, you need to check it out.
Crystal: Me and Jayden will pick up Nelson.
Isaiah: So I'm staying here?
Jayden: Just in case something else happends to the city.
Jayden and Crystal head to the garage and the two drive off. Jess and Mike walk into the computer room.
Jess: Where they off to?
Isaiah: A robbery, nothing too dangerous.
Jess: Well alright then. Herc!!
Herc: Yeah?!
Jess: ... I... Accept you on the team on one condition.
Herc: What's up?
Jess: You follow Mike and Isaiah when they go on their next patrol.
Isaiah: Yes!
Mike: Thank you Jess.
Jess: I just want to know that he won't hurt us, that's all.
Mike: I know, but thanks anyways.
Jess: No problem. Now let's see what Herc can do. Come, we're heading to the training room. Isaiah, follow along too.
Jess, Mike, Isaiah, and Herc head to the training room.

(At the plant)

Jayden, Crystal, and Nelson walk into the plant and see it's all wrecked and dead bodies are on the floor.
Crystal: Who could do this?
Nelson: Let's go find out.
The three walk down the hall and see more dead bodies with stab and slash marks on them. The 3 turn the corner to see Austin stabbing his sword through a guys chest and pulls it out and swipes the blood off.
Jayden: AUSTIN!!
Austin turns back and sees the 3.
Austin: I don't want any trouble.
Crystal: Why are you here?
Austin: To get something to save a friend.
Jayden's blades pop out of his hands.
Jayden: I ain't buying your bullshit!!
Austin: I don't care if you believe me, just don't get in my way.
Nelson: We have to.
Austin sighs.
Austin: I'm sorry about this.

(At the training room)

Herc: So what am I supposed to do?
Jess: Pass a test.
A hologram of the city in ruins transforms the room. Herc looks around stunned.
Jess: There's two choices. One, you can stop a crazy villian from ruling the world.
Then a hologram of Bishop appears.
Mike: We got to stop using Bishop.
Herc: The second choice?
Jess: Save innocent lives from death.
Then holograms of a woman and a little girl a being pushed into a corner by some crooks.
Jess: These two things are happening simultaneously, so choose wisely.
Herc cracks his neck and heads towards the woman and insta punch the two guys out. Herc then picks up the woman and kid and tries to get them away from Bishop but Bishop stabs Herc in the back and kills the woman and kid and the simulation ends.
Herc: Did I pass?
Jess lends out a hand.
Jess: Welcome to the Rejects.
Herc grabs her hand and then the speakers turn on.
Jess: What happend?!

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now