Taking A Break

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Now I know what this seems like, I'm not writing again because of a Writer's block but I really just want to take a break. When will I be back, I don't know. But, I'm not gonna stop writing. I wanna write Teen Titans because it actually has alot of views so you know, getting that ad revenue. All jokinh aside I do have ideas for Rejects, I kinda just can't seem to get spin-offs, well off. But I do know this, expect 3 more volumes of Rejects. That's right, I plan on finishing Rejects in volume 10, so you know sadness. But that doesn't mean I will stop writing but I just won't be writing main Rejects, I may reboot the series but you'll still get to read these old stories. So anyways, If you want to read anything that I'm writing rn, read Teen Titans. Bye.

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