An Immortal Entrance

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An alarm blares throughout the base, waking up Casey. Jayden picks up the baby and heads downstairs.
Jayden: What the heck is going on?!
Tobias: There's been a break in at the Rook Inc. Building.
Jess: Rook Inc.?
Taylor: After Bishop caused some damage to the city, the company decided to rebrand themselves.
Isaiah: And they chose another chess piece? Really?
???: Almost as bad as ninjas in Minnesota.
The team turns around and sees Nelson walk in.
Isaiah: No, that's just weird.
Jess: Suit up. We got people to save.

(At Rook Inc.)

A man wearing Civil War Crossbones armor walks back in fourth with an AK in his hand. Five dudes wearing miltary armor and ski masks with a blue skull on them are guarding hostages.
Goon1: Think they got the message?
???: Of course the Rejects got the message. They monitor everything in this stinking city. Now we just wait until they arri-
Jess: Don't have to wait.
The Crossbones guy turns around and sees The Rejects standing infront of the front door.
Jess: Let the hostages go.
???: Of course. I just took then for you to show up.
The man snaps his fingers and the military guys free the hostages and the hostages all run out of the building.
Jess: What do you want?
The man presses a button and the miltary guys fall to the ground dead.
Terror: I needed my presence heard, so I hired these guys to help me in getting your attention, and they succeeded so they are no use to me. My name is Terror and I want to know where the Immortal is.
Jess: Like hell we tell you. Get him.
Isaiah stretches his arm out and Jayden pops his sword hands and run at Terror. Terror grabs Isaiah's arm and pulls him in and kicks Isaiah into a pillar. Terror then grabs Jayden's arm and lifts him over his shoulder and tosses Jayden into the front desk.
Terror: Who's next?
Crystal transforms her entire body into diamond and charges at Terror and Nelson metal wings appear and he flies straight at Terror.
Terror: Please, I thought you were the greatest heroes in this state.
Terror jumps and kicks Crystal in the face and grabs Nelson's wing and throws him into Crystal. The two go flying into a wall. Terror looks at Jess.
Terror: Is this the best you got Energy? Pathetic.
Jess's eyes start glowing purple and she starts shooting blasts of energy at Terror but he dodges all the blasts. Terror then runs up to Jess and grabs her by the neck and lifts her up in the air.
Terror: I expected a challenge. Not a joke.
Terror lifts up his mechanical fist gauntlet and is about to punch Jess when something hit the back of his head. Terror turns around and sees a man with long brown hair, wearing a black leather jacket, black shirt with a white skull on it, black jeans with a nightstick holster, black boots, black leather gloves, and the goggles from Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory. The man is holding to metal cylindicular sticks.
???: How about me?
Terror drops Jess.
Terror: I'm looking for the Immortal, not a cosplaying.
The man smirks.
???: Try me.
Terror grunts angrily and charges at him. The man steps to the side when Terror gets closed enough and he grabs Terror and kicks him onto the ground. Before Terror could get up, the man steps on his chest and knocks Terror out with his stick. Jess and the others get up and look at the man.
Jess: Who are you?
The man turns around and takes off the goggles. The man smiles like an insane clown.
???: Now how could you all forget about me?
Jess: Mike!
Jess runs up to Mike and hugs him and soon the others do too.
Crystal: We missed ya.
Isaiah: Not really.
Nelson: Jayden did.
Jayden: Pffft noooooo.
Mike: *laughs* I missed you guys too.

(In an abandoned warehouse)

Austin and Jacob enter the waehouse and see the Freaks sitting on boxes and crates.
Wildebeast: Took ya long enough.
Austin: I have him. Just don't harm-
Angel: Relax, we ain't gonna hurt him.
Streak: Just unleash Monster that's all.
Jacob: Mon-AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
Jacob falls to his knees and his eyes glow yellow. He then starts getting bulkier and bigger and hus skin starts turning grey. Jacob's clothes start ripping to shreds, only thing that stayed intact was his pants. Jacob has now transformed into a grey Hulk with blonde hair.
Austin: Jacob?
The Monster looks down at Austin.
Monster: No Jacob. Only Monster.
Austin steps back and tries to run but Streak appears infront of him and knocks Austin to the ground.
Ronin: We have one more mission for you to do.
Austin: Fuck you.
Ronin grabs Austin's hair and lifts him off the ground.
Ronin: You'll do as we say, or else we will never separate Monster and Jacob.
Austin: You can do that?
Ronin: Yes, if you do this for us.
Austin: What is it?
Ronin: You'll help us find equipment to build a machine to help us separate Monster and Jacob and stop our decay.
Austin: You got a deal.

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