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Crystal is at a gym and is punching a punch bag when two guys walk by her and she over hears their conversation.
Guy1: You hear what happend to Ethan?
Guy2: Dude got his arm broken by some chick with turquoise hair.
Guy1: Right?! That was brutal!!!
Guy2: I wonder why she did that?
Crystal: Maybe cause he broke her damn heart.
The two guys jump and see Crystal unwrapping her boxing tape off her hands.
Guy1: Oh shit, you're the girl that broke Ethan's arm?!
Guy2: We are so sorry for bringing that up!!
Crystal: It's fine.
Crystal picks up a blue bag and holds the handle and carries it on her back like the cool anime protagonists do and exits the gym.

(At base)

Crystal walks into the training room and sees Jayden getting beat by Mike.
Jayden: Damn it!!
Mike: Come on, you can do it.
Jayden: Don't patronize me.
Jayden reaches out his hand and Mike grabs his hand and pulls him up.
Jayden: Alright, let's go again.
Mike: Hahaha ok.
Mike puts his fist up and strikes a karate style pose and Jayden does a half-ass boxing pose. Jayden throws a right jab but Mike catches it, swings his fist into Jayden's face, puts one of his leg in between Jayden's legs and he makes Jayden fall to the ground.
Mike: You almost had it.
Jayden: I had jack shit.
Mike pulls Jayden up.
Crystal: How about I try?
Mike turns around and shrugs.
Mike: Sure. Maybe I'll beat you for once.
Crystal walks up to Mike and goes into a proper boxing pose and Mike goes into his pose.
Mike: Ready?
Crystal: You first.
Mike does a backhand smack but Crystal caught but Mike gets closer and elbows her face. She walks back and wipes the blood off her face.
Mike: You ok?
Crystal: Lucky shot.
Mike: I know.
Crystal threw a side kick and Mike catches it under his arm but Crystal throws her other leg and puts him in a lock and makes him fall to the ground and she grabs his throat and transformed her right hand into a giant diamond fist.
Mike: I yield.
Crystal doesn't stop putting pressure on Mike's neck.
Mike: Crystal?
Crystal then starts punching him in the face with her diamond fist over and over until Jayden grabs her and pulls her off. Crystal starts screaming with anger and then tears start flowing.
Mike: Crystal?
Crystal pushes Jayden off and runs to her room.
Jayden: She ok?
Mike: I don't think so. Get Jess, tell her to talk to her.

(In Crystal's room)

Crystal is staring at a picture of her and The team having fun when Jess entered the room.
Jess: You ok?
Crystal: *sniff* No. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Jess sits down on her bed and hugs her.
Jess: Explain the best you can.
Crystal: It all started when Ethan came back into my life. I... Don't know. I'm just not myself.
Jess: Yoi have to get over it. We need you to be strong for the team.
Crystal wipes her eyes.
Crystal: When did you become the one to helo encourage people?
Jess: Cause I have to.
Crystal: Thank you.
The two hug and head back downstairs.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now