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Jess: Do you think this will be nice on Casey?
Jess holds up a red onesie with the Deadpool logo on it.
Jayden: Do what you want.
Jess smiles and puts it in the cart and walks off. Jayden stands there smiling when he notices someone watching Jess. The man had short brown hair and was wearing glasses. Jayden walks closer to Jess and keeps his eye on the guy that is now following them.
Jess: Everything OK?
Jayden: Of course. Don't worry.
Jess just shrugs and heads to the food section but Jayden follows behind and sees that the man is still following them. Jayden and Jess finish buying food and they're driving back to the base.
Jess: You ok? You seem to be focused on something else.
Jayden: It's nothing. Don't worry about it.
Jayden looks in the review mirror abd sees the man who was following them from the store in a red Jeep. Jayden pretends to not notice him and heads to the base.

(At the base)

Jess takes the groceries to the kitchen but Jayden looks out the window and sees the man's red Jeep.
Mike: You ok?
Jayden: Come here.
Mike walks to the window and sees the man's Jeep.
Mike: What?
Jayden: That Jeep has been following us since me and Jess left the store.
Mike: You think he's stalking Jess?
Jayden: He was staring at her the entire time we were at the store.
Mike: Maybe you're being paranoid.
Jayden: No, I'm not.
Mike: Well if he tries something we'll stop him. How about you hang out with your wife and kid ok?
Jayden: *sigh* Ok.
Jayden heads to the kitchen and Mike looks out the window and stares at the Jeep for a while and then he left.

(Few hours later)

There was a knock on the door.
Jayden: I'll get it.
Jayden walks to the door and opens it and the man from before stands there.
John: Hi. My name is John. Does a Jess live here?
Jess: Honey, who is it?
Jayden: Some guy name John.
Jayden hears someone running and turns to see Jess.
Jess: Please come in.
John enters and walks towards the living room.
Jayden: Who is he?
Jess: Someone I bumped into a few days ago and we kinda started talking and we sorta became friends.
Jayden: So you told him where we lived?!
Jess: No. I don't know how he found this place but he's not a bad guy.
Jayden: Jess, I saw him following you all day today.
Jess: What?!
Jayden: I spotted him watching you at the store and he followed us home in a red Jeep.
Jess: Maybe you were seeing things.
Jayden turns and sees John talking and making the entire team laugh.
Jayden: Something's wrong Jess.
Jess: Jayden calm down.
Jayden: Jess, please listen to me. There's something off about him.
Jess: Stop it! I will not let you be rude to a guest!!
Everyone stares at Jayden and Jess. Jayden opens the front door and slams it closed.

(During Jayden's and Jess's argument)

Mike: Hey there.
John sits down.
John: Hello, My name is John.
Mike: Mike.
Crystal, Tobias, Isaiah, and Taylor introduced themselves.
John: You guys seem so different from each yet you guys are such good friends. No wonder you guys are Rejects.
The team laughs. Then they hear Jayden yell and they all look at Jayden. Jayden then opens the front door and slams it. John gets up and heads towards Jess.
John: I'll go talk to him.
John then leaves the base.
Mike: Something's off.
Crystal: He seems nice.
Isaiah: Yeah, what's so weird?
Mike: If Jayden got angry and stormed off then something's wrong. I trust my best friend's action then feel of a stranger.
Tobias: You're right.
Isaiah: Where's Jess?


Jayden stands in front of the garage door. He sighs and turns around and sees John.
Jayden: Sorry about that.
John: No worries. You are right to worry. After all, Jess will soon be mine.
Jayden: What?
John: I'm here to take your girl.
Jayden clenches his fist.
Jayden: No way in hell you could do that.
John: I have the power to change people's emotions. As of right now, I'm changing Jess's emotions to love me.
Jayden pop out his blades.
John: Soon, your friends,wife, and son will be mine.
Two more blades pop out of his hands.
John: What? I thought you only had one blade in each hand?
Jayden looks up and his eyes are red. A blade pops out of Jayden's shoulders and three claws pop out his feet.
Jayden: You don't mess with my family.
Jayden teleports and is inches away from John's face.
John: Sorry to disappoint but-
Jayden then falls to the ground in pain.
John: I'm an inventor. I got my powers from a lab explosion. Now that electrical pain you feel is because of a little disk on your neck.
Jayden starts grinding his teeth.
John: Now, say goodbye to-
John flies over Jayden and lands on his back which is smoking. Jayden looks up and sees Jess running towards him and destroying the disc on his neck.
Jess: I'm so sorry Jayden. I should've listened to you.
Jayden: It's alright. As long as you you believe in me that's all that matters.
They both look and see John get up.
John: This isn't OVVEEERRR!!!
John turns around then sees a fist hit his face and he falls back to the ground unconscious. Mike rubs his fist.
Mike: Don't fuck with my family again you jackass.


Mike: Well, John is now in the Gifted wing of the prison.
Jayden sits on the couch thinking when Jess puts her hand in his hand.
Jess: Something wrong?
Jayden: Just something he said.
Jess: What did he say?
Jayden: That he got his powers from a lab accident. And Max also got his powers from a lab accident. That can't be a coincidence.
Jess: You think they're connected?
Jayden: Most likely.
Mike: Well let's solve that mystery for tomorrow. I'm goinh to bed.
Everyone heads upstairs and goes to sleep.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now